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MINOR BATTLES HAD ERUPTED THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, DEATH EATERS WREAKING HAVOC AS THE ORDER SCRAMBLED TO RECRUIT AND BUILD THEIR ARMY. Aurora climbed ranks easily, having a designated group that followed her for tasks-many went into hiding, not seeing a point in firing without Dumbledore. They weren't exactly eager to place their bets on an, arguably emotionally unstable and traumatized, sixteen year old.

She threw herself into her work, providing results and sending spies out while Harry worked with Ron and Hermione to break through something. The adults of the order have grown use to her fierce presence.

"Freddie pass me that clip." Aurora muttered, to busy corking a small town, "These are magic folk, muggle born, and they'll no doubt be taken out." She said as she took it from him.

"Where's Kingsley?" She then asked as she grabbed the map.

"On assignment. Tell me what you need." Fred said as Aurora sighed, "It isn't a task for you, I'll get Tonks on it."

Fred clenched his jaw, "Aurora-"

"I really wish you would stop asking for these assignments Fred. I told your mother I'd keep you on headquarters-to keep you safe." Aurora said as she turned to him, "We can't loose anyone else. I can't loose anyone else."

His face softened, "I'll notify Tonks. Get some rest, you look a bit peaky." He said as he ruffled her hair earning a smile from her.

"Go." She said, attempting to laugh but it got caught at her throat.

She closed the door behind him and looked at the window, a single rear trickling down her cheek. She was in hiding, Harry as well. Everything relied on their saftey and they wouldn't let her out.

She missed Draco.

His touch, his laugh, his smile and his cold skin that cling to her making her feel at home. The note he had given her laid on her desk, still blank, she hadn't figured out how to reveal the words.

Aurora understood why Dumbledore said what he said when she last saw him. She truly did. That night was the first attack which ignited the war and she wasn't going to let it slide so easily.

Aurora shared her potion with the others, saving their lives on multiple occasions, which the thanked her for. The fire that was once in her was gone, she just wanted Draco back and without him she was a wreck. A complete wreck. She also worried that after not completing his task to kill Dumbledore he would be severely punished.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now