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THAT WAS FIVE YEARS AGO. Even if she had been cast in Gryffindor she remained best friends with Draco along with becoming friends with the Golden trio.

"Draco!" She said as she stormed into his dorm with her eyes blazing in anger as the boys there scrambled to put some pants on. "Relax I'm not looking." She said dryly as she jumped on Draco's bed.

She shook him, "Draco." She said in a hushed tone and he finally stirred.

"Aurora!" He said as he pulled the blanket up to cover himself, "Why the fuck have you come to bother me this early!" He groaned as Aurora frowned playfully.

"To give you your morning briefing of course!" She said as she crossed her legs and stared at him, "There is a returning student." She said in a sing song voice.

"Bloody hell Aurora, you couldn't have told me this over breakfast?" He asked, reaching over to his bedside to grab his watch letting the blanket slip a little.

Aurora caught of glimpse of him body shirtless and blushed ferociously. Draco only smirked in response and opened his mouth to say something inappropriate but she immediately intercepted.

"Don't. Even. Think . About. It." She said slowly, the hair at the nape of his neck rising as he felt a static shock him. He groaned and laid back down.

"As I was saying, Cedric Diggory is rumored to be back and I have my eyes set on him." She said as she stood up and went to his dresser before rummaging around and finding him a Slytherin house shirt.

Draco ignored the ache of jealousy forming his his chest, "Why? He's a fucking Hufflepuff." He said in disgust.

"Will you stop the house discriminating? I'm surprised you don't say anything negative about Gryffindor." She muttered under her breathe. It was always something with him, or someone, that caused him to say a negative aspect of them.

He also just hated anything that wasn't Slytherin, the best house, except for Aurora.

"I don't say anything bad about Gryffindor because you're in it, darling." He said as he stood up and walked behind her before his arms snuck around her waist. Aurora turned a deep shade of red again as she felt his cold skin against her.

"Put this on." She said as she turned around, "So will you help me? I reckon Pansy will be after him just like she was when I took interest in Spencer." She said softly, her smile fading.

It was often that Pansy Párkinson would take everything Aurora wanted. She was quite different then her in actuality, Aurora was scared to kiss on the first date but Pansy took it to another level and as far as horny teenage boys go, they go for her.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now