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||38|| TWO PLEASES THE ONEmature

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"IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU SHOW UP," Pansy muttered as she turned to face Draco who had a grim and annoyed look on his face. The two had agreed to meet at the tower, farthest from the school to talk.

"Be glad I showed up." Draco said, tossing a bag at her, "There's a note book in there with what you need. I trust you can take it."

Pansy picked it up, "I asked for two viles of unicorn tears-"

He snapped his head to face her, her eyes narrowing at him before she shut up. "Just because our parents wish to see us together doesn't mean I want to." Draco muttered, "You mean nothing to me."

"Nothing but the dirt under my shoe you are Malfoy." Pansy said, slightly hurt, "You forget I have no say in it either."

There was silence.

"Have you finished the cabinet?" She asked as Draco shook his head. She glared her nostrils, "I'd hurry if I were you. The dark lord wants it done before the school year ends."

"I'm aware of what he wants." Draco said lowly, "Got any news on our forces?"

Pansy smirked, "Dumbledore won't know what hit him. This school along with everyone in it will burn."

Draco felt his chest tighten, "I should go before anyone sees us together." He said as he fixed his blazer, "I'll see you around."

"Is the reason you don't want for anyone to see us together, five foot seven and a tremendous attitude?" Pansy asked as she eyed him carefully, "You understand I'd have to report that-"

"I told you," Draco whipped around, "She means nothing to me and we aren't friends anymore. Go on and waste a trip if you must, you'll only end up looking even more ridiculous." He said, carefully not to let his temper get the best of him.

"Don't think I don't also know about you trying to take my task from me. Poisoning Dumbledore? Really?" Draco asked in disbelief, "He's not bloody stupid. I'll fucking do it." He then added.

Pansy only huffed and watched as he left.


"So why are you fighting with that bloody Granger again?" Draco asked as Aurora laid on his chest, her legs on either side of him while he played with her hair with one hand and traced patterns under the shirt with the other.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now