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THINGS AT THE SCHOOL HAD BEGUN TO GET PROGRESSIVELY WORSE WITH EVERY PASSING DAY. Dumbledore was on a leave, leaving Umbridge in charge and she made certain everyone was having a miserable time.

Aurora avoided her as best as she could, going under the radar to her private lessons before they got put on hold after Umbridge assigned Snape to do something else.

Aurora had felt cut off from the world, from her usual friends as she usually sat by herself at the edge of the mountain overlooking the forest. Her hands playing with the white wand that had brought so much trouble into her life.

There was an incident earlier that day where Umbridge tried to fire a professor before Dumbledore intervened. Aurora stayed out, trying to stay out of even more trouble as Umbridge bluntly said that she was after his job.

Should she succeed in obtaining the headmaster position of Hogwarts, Aurora was screwed-big time.

On a particularly cold afternoon, the trio and Aurora sat by the fire place after hours with only that providing them with light and warmth. Aurora held a blanket close to her chest, holding a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows to somewhat bring the Christmas spirit.

"So we're waiting for...padfoot?" Hermione asked in a hushed tone as Aurora cast a silencing charm in her head as a soft gleam exited her hand.

Hermione thanked her quietly, adverting eye contact. It was unspoken in the trio how much they began to...become unaccustomed to Aurora's bomb like nature. She was becoming more and more eager to prove herself, especially after the order called her a reserved trooper. Which wounded her hero complex of an ego.

Not a second layer, Sirius Black appeared in the fire place that Aurora couldn't help but smirk. "You even look good in as a piece of wood." She pursed her lips together as she grabbed a metal bar and poked him.

"Ow." He flinched and scowled at her but slowly it turned into a smile. "I haven't got much time." He said as the rest of them huddled around and he began to speak.

He told them briefly what the Order was doing and Harry tried to have some form of a bonding moment with him. Aurora stayed back, giving him his moment as she kept watch while also listening.

Sirius Black told them of the fact that the reason the Ministry was there at the school was because they believed Dumbledore was assembling an army to overthrow him.

The trio looked at eachother nervously as they glanced back at Aurora who peacefully sipped on her hot chocolate. They had been withholding a secret, and it was time they fessed up.

Sirius called after her name and she turned around. It was then the older man realized how exhausted she looked, how her young and dewy face was permanently scared with her glorious burden. "Stay out of trouble." He said making her nod shortly before something was heard in the halls. Immediately he left, leaving the others alone.

Harry glanced at his friends, Aurora was one of them and she deserved to know. He trusted her. "Aurora we have to tell you something." He blurted out.

Her perfectly shaped eyebrow perked up as she set her glass down, sensing how serious he was, "Go on."


"Harry you son of a gun," She said as she walked into the Room of Requirement and in awe as she witnessed the students practicing defense spells.

She yelled at them, naturally for not telling her, but then she was eager to see them action so that same day she walked into the room. She even thought they didn't trust her but they reassured her they did.

Everyone was silent when she first walked in, but then she told them she had more experience then anyone in the room. Including Harry who had taught them all he knew.

"She's going to help us." Neville said, "She's on our side, don't forget that."

Aurora smiled, "Thanks Neville." She said before Seamus spoke up.

"I'm sorry...I accused you of hurting Cedric. We know you didn't do so." He said as Aurora's smile wavered a little, recalling the memory in the common room.

Aurora gave him a small nod, "I apologize for...lashing out." She said quietly, "It wasn't my intention to inflict fear, just support." She admitted, "This was will be our new beginning, or our end and I truly believe...that together we will win this."

The other looked around and nodded, telling each other it was true as the overall vibe of the room turned much more grim.

Aurora inhaled sharply, "Very well, let's take it up a notch." She said before teaching them some spells Snape had taught her. She even taught them the ones she learned over the summer.

It was then everyone realized how powerful she had become, skilled magically and academically. She was a witch with potential and knew what right or wrong was. She was fueled by trauma and wanted to keep everyone safe so they knew there was a possibility she would crack to protect those she loved.

And it scared them.

Aurora conjured up a shield and asked someone to attempt to break it. Harry volunteered. "Ready?" He asked.

Aurora nodded, concentrating on the spell before he started to blast her with his magic. It did nothing but bounce off like water before she twirled her wand around her head and blasted him with the stupefy spell.

Harry groaned as he hit the ground, "Teach me that one." He said as the guys laughed.

The girls smirked.

"I'll teach it to all of you. Though it requires a lot of concentration and practice. Afterwards you'll feel a little doozy but it's normal, just make sure you pace yourself. Only you know your limits." She said as she twirled the wand in between her fingers.

"Wands up!"

For a week or so they learned from them, getting better and better that the twins had managed to graze Aurora once. She was proud and congratulated them before moving on to the rest.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now