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AURORA NEVER OPENED THE GIFT, EVEN IF SHE KNEW WHO HAD GIVEN IT TO HER SHE KEPT IT IN A DRAWER NEXT TO HER BED UNDER LOCK AND KEY. She knew who it was from, in fact she wanted to give it back but she didn't. She kept it.

"I don't understand how this grinch even got hired to work at the ministry." Aurora snarled as she clenched her books, counting in her head while trying to calm herself.

Umbridge was adamant about keeping her eyes on Aurora at all times. Especially after her party when she began to notice more than half of the students begin to speak to the young outcast, like they believered her and that worried Umbridge.

So naturally she worked against her to keep the masses at bay and sent after her the Calvary.

Aurora sat in Defence against the Dark Arts, telling herself to keep quite and keep her head down. The last thing she needed was another letter form her father and one more from Mrs. Weasly.

Hermione and Ron worked to keep Harry and Aurora out of trouble as the day progressed. They were feeling awful for lying to Aurora or withholding the fact that they were assembling Dumbledore's army behind her back.

It's not that they didn't trust her, it's just they knew Aurora wouldn't be okay with other kids who just wanted to be kids-fighting a literal war.

That was her burden and Harry's, no one else's.

Pansy roamed the halls, her usual pointy nose and pony tail hitting her cheek every once in awhile as she spoke to the other girls in her group. "I'm sure you've read it in the DailyProphet-" She said, making sure Aurora was near.

"Even Aurora's pathetic parents don't believe her." She said as she slumped down into a chair a few tables away.

Aurora inhaled sharply and leaned her head down so she could keep focus on her notebook for the quiz they had. The only person in this class with her was Harry so when he didn't arrive for class she was a little worried and confused.

Umbridge continued to let her talk, a small smirk on her pink lips formed as she watched Aurora try and control herself. It wouldn't take much now to set her off. Just a little push...

"It's no wonder Cedric and her brother preferred death over-"

Aurora lunged and wrapped her had on her neck, pinning her on the hard ground and she brought her fist forward to meet her cheek. Pansy cried out for help as the other students backed away, a static threatening them if they stepped closer.

Commotion was heard outside, "Guys! Aurora is fighting!" Someone yelled to the passing students and immediately they all began to form at the door trying to watch.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now