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"EAT YOUR FOOD DRACO, BEFORE IT GETS COLD." His mother said quietly as they sat at the long and Linley table in their home. Next to him sat Pansy Parkinson and her family. His father was still stuck in Azkaban and the Dark Lord allowed it as his punishment.

Draco clenched his jaw but did as told and took a long sip of the drink in his pure silver cup, fire whiskey. His mother didn't question it, in fact she allowed it. It was the only way he would remain somewhat civil with her.

The Dark Lord wasn't pleased when he had heard Draco didn't follow through with his order, but being the youngest member did have its perks. Narcissa and Bellatrix advocated for him and said he could prove himself.

Problem was, he didn't want to.

He had been trying to get some information out to the Order, knowing some valuable things and he wanted to make sure they won this war. He also just wanted to talk to Aurora.

God how much he missed her. He often found himself drinking to oblivion without her.

"The union will occur this weekend." Her father said as Pansy looked painfully at the food in front of her.

Narcissa nodded, "Very well. I propose here in the Manor."

Draco exhaled sharply, "I propose roses instead of daisies." He said sarcastically, "Or am I not permitted to choose that? Will I be forced to concede to all of your wishes?"

Pansy stayed silent. She knew better than to speak out of turn but Draco found himself in questioning situations.

"We aren't going to do this again." Pansy's mother said, "it's what the Dark Lord wants and we will all oblige. Enough."

Narcissa eyed Draco, telling him to stop, which he ignored and stood up. "Excuse me." He muttered, and walked away.

Pansy stood up slowly, "I'll speak with him." She whispered scared and walked after him and out into the garden. "Just so we're clear..." Pansy said, "I don't want to marry you."

"Oh how fucking wonderful-what a difference that will make."

"However, if your plan is to get killed then so be it." Pansy said, "You've questioned the union so much the Dark Lord fears your alliance is not with him."

"I have the bloody mark what more does he wants." Draco said as he looked out onto the field, "I gave him everything, what more could he possibly take."

"Her." Pansy said, taking him by surprise. "I'm not an idiot Draco, I know you love her-the whole school did. If you're going to fight, at least pick your battles."

"Don't speak of her like you're friendly. You tried to kill her-"

"To try and save you. Grayson was going to die either way, might as well make him useful. If she was gone, you would have nothing holding you back and you would have done the task."

Draco scoffed, "I'm flattered Pug, but I still don't like you."

She shrugged, "Don't care anymore."

"Why are you even out here?" Draco asked annoyed, "Shouldn't you be inside kissing the ground your parents walk on?"

Pansy sniggered, "No. Contrary to popular belief I can think for myself. And you're wrong-you hate me and think-"

"I don't think of you."

"-that I'm an idiot for not fighting this but I have no choice." She said quietly, "I don't want to do this, I don't want to be here anymore. I often think of pitching myself off the astronomy tower." She said, using his words.

Draco's face softened as she continued. "It's got to be better than this. Death I mean, it has to be." She whispered, "Unlike you...I have no one looking out for me. Starring at the moon at night to make me feel closer to them."

"I envy that." Pansy confessed, "I just wanted someone to love, someone to fight for and when I realized I didn't have it I just gave up to the fight. I surrendered."

"You have to keep fighting Parkinson, don't give in any more, you'll see this will come out in our favor. It's about damn time the bad guys for a happy ending." Draco said making her laugh dryly.

"There isn't. And you aren't bad-at least not to me." She whispered, eyeing him in a longing way. Draco felt his body heat up. No, he thought, you better not.

Pansy inched closer to him, his hands stayed glued at his side before she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Draco didn't pull away and they found themselves in a lust filled kiss fueled by their war crimes.

Draco was lonely, and so was she so she used it to her advantage.

"P-Parkinson.." he muttered, pulling away, "I can't-"

"Draco." Narcissa said sharply a couple feet away, "You're needed in the library." Her tone deadly still as she neglected to look at Pansy.

Draco nodded and wiped his mouth before he walked off, leaving a hot and bothered Pansy.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now