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"NOT EVEN THE FIRST DAY BACK AND YOU'RE ALREADY SNOGGING LAVENDER!" Aurora said as they walked into the grand hall where she tackled him.

Aurora had nearly forgotten everyone thought she was dead and was surprised when people began whispering around her and telling her she was a great wizard for defeating Voldemort in the battle. Others called her a walking curse, saying it was her fault he wanted Hogwarts but she held no ill against them.

"You're back..." Lavender said a little bitterly. Aurora nodded slowly, " I am." She cringed awkwardly before being greeted by other classmates. She glanced at a Hermione only to see her at the table with her head hung low.

Aurora glared at Lavender and Ron before looking up at the platform where Dumbledore's stood already looking at her. Dumbledore gave her a warm smile, "We'll talk." He said as everyone took their seats.

Draco was in a sour mood and arrived late at the assembly. "Hey!" Blaise grabbed his arm and dragged him into a seat.

"What the fuck-"

"Lexington is back."

Here we go, Draco thought as he forced his eyes to widen as he faked his shock as if he didn't sleep with her the night before, he glanced around and finally saw her sitting there with her head leaned on Hermione's shoulder. He cringed as he watched the two very different girls speak about something while Harry eyed her in a way Draco didn't like so for the sake of appearances he said:

"What the fuck do you want me to do about it?"

Blaise shrugged, "Dunno mate, you two were attached to the hips for some time." He muttered as he went back to his book.

"Yeah, can't really associate with a blood traitor now can I?" Draco spat bitterly as he felt his hands clam up. Fucking Blaise.

"Don't worry Draco," Pansy said as she reached for his hand, when he didn't pull away she grinned, "We'll get her for that."

"Oh sod off." Draco said as he watched Aurora look down at Pansy's hand on his. She immediately narrowed her eyes, snapping away from his gaze as she listened to whatever Ron had to say.

"Pansy looks are ridiculous as ever." Aurora mumbled to her friends as Ron looked over and saw her holding Draco's hand. "Oh come off it Rory, you're better than that." He said as she scowled and unknowingly bent a fork.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now