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Aurora walked into her new classes, ready to learn and a little sore. Her hand gripping onto her books as everyone moved away. Though she had to admit, she liked having them fear her

"Defense against the dark arts." Aurora mumbled as she walked into the classroom and saw Umbridge there. She immediately turned back around and started to walk out.

"Ms. Lexington, where are you going?" She asked in her usual high pitched voice making her huff as she walked in and saw her friends.

"My parents..." she started slowly, "spend quite a bit for me to be here. They're one of the biggest donors and best of friends with your beloved why is it that I can't get the courtesy of having a likable...more appealing teacher?" Aurora asked as she took a seat, not even looking where she was.

"You-" she held her pointy nose up, "Will treat me with respect!"

Aurora groaned internally and took a deep breath, feeling a gush of wind open the windows slightly. One...two...three...

Aurora smiled, "My apologies." She forced out as she gripped her quill, "You have my permission to continue-"

Umbridge lunged and Aurora pushed her seat back, biting her lip to suppress her giggles. Harry and Hermione groaned.

"Detention." She said as Aurora clenched her jaw, the smile not fading before she continued to introduce herself to the class

Aurora looked around and noticed she was sitting next to no one other than Draco Malfoy.

"You've put on quite the show since you've been back." He mumbled as she ignored him. "Aurora." He said quietly, "I'm speaking to you." His tone was low and dangerously calm.

She continued to ignore him and saw Umbridge yell at Harry, "He-he isn't back!" She cried out, "You're lying!"

Hermione looked behind her and saw Aurora already on her feet, ready to defend Harry. Draco flared his nostrils. Less then four months ago she would have done the same to him, and now she was doing it for someone else.

"You-along with everyone else in the Ministry-are blind. And Harry didn't lie!" She said as he grabbed her arm softly, as if telling her he was with her.

Umbridge didn't utter another word as Harry and Aurora slowly went back to their seats, promising them a memorable detention.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now