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"What the fuck?!"

Aurora wore sunglasses to breakfast the next morning, stumbling a little as Grayson wore the same thing. None of them speaking, just groaning like zombies as they heard Pansy scream.

"My hair is blue!"

"Someone shut her up!" Aurora groaned, reaching for her wand to do just that when Draco stopped her.

"Someone's chipper." He teased as Aurora moaned and laid her head down, "Why did you let me drink?" She asked.

Grayson groaned, "Aurora shut up!"

Aurora lifted her head off the table and brought her glasses down, staring at him, "I know you weren't talking to me-"

"That's enough." Draco rolled his eyes, "As much as a little fight between the two of you would bring great joy to this little heart of mine I need to borrow my best friend for a second."

"Fuck you Malfoy" Grayson said before making a dismissive gesture. Draco clenched his jaw and was ready for fire back when Aurora stood up.

"I'm coming." She said as they began to walk outside. "What's the matter?"

Draco's urned to face her, "Have you figured out how to crack the egg of whatever the fuck you're supposed to do?" He asked frustrated.

Auroa frowned, "I actually forgot about that." She said slowly, "I'll have to asked Cedric if he knows anything."

Draco rolled his eyes, "I hardly think your sloppy little boyfriend will know anything about it."

Aurora frowned, "I thought you-"

"Supported it? Fuck no. No one is good enough for you ." Draco said, but me, "On that happy note I have to go figure something out." He said as he began to walk away.

Aurora rushed over to him, "Well can I help you?"

"Just help me by winning that cup and staying out of trouble." He said as she frowned aagain. "I'm not some little girl that needs to be told what to do. I can think for myself thank you."

Draco sighed, "That's not what I meant-"

Aurora turned her heel and walked away, ignoring him before she went to find Cedric. She found him by the garden where his friends went to find something. "Aurora," he let out a sigh of relief as she took her sun glasses off, immediately regretting it and putting it back on.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now