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DRACO SPENT THE ENTIRE SUMMER ALONE AND SAD. Death Eaters used his home for their meetings and everything they needed. Narcissa made sure he was inside at all times, not wanting him to be involved.

He was stuck inside, starring at the four same walls as his mind pestered him about Aurora and what she had told him. He cared about her, he wanted her, yet why couldn't he bring himself down from his pedestal.

Was it because he couldn't fathom the idea that he was the same as them?

Or because he was scared of everything he'd loose?

From the moment he was born Draco never lifted a finger for anything. Everything and anything he wanted was given to him as he was the only child. Their one condition was that he sided with them and their radical ideals.

It wasn't until he met Aurora that those things changed. Draco let out a small sigh as he slumped on his bed. His sweet, charming Aurora.

He imagined her smell, vanilla and cherry with a hint of his cologne as she always wore his sweaters. He imagined her smile that made him weak in the knees. Especially the way her nose wrinkled and cute little snorts escaped her when he made her laugh.

The way their hands molded together as if they were meant to be.

He remembered the sound of her laugh and the twinkle in her eyes whenever she saw him after a king day of classes and they ate dinner together in her room, away from everyone else.

He remembered when she was his.

Draco felt his chest tighten and a warm feeling he encountered a lot whenever he thought of her or was with her before sitting up at the sound of footsteps.

Narcissa Malfoy opened the door slowly, "Draco?" He soft voice called as he stood up.

"Mother." He said slowly, the feeling vanishing.

She came in holding his dinner, along with an extra plate for herself. She set it on the table as Draco grabbed two chairs, unsure as to why she was having dinner with him in his room.

The two sat down quietly and grabbed their things. "Draco I'm going to ask you something, and you have to answer me honestly." Narcissa said as she set her fork down.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "You're worrying me mother-"

"How do you..." she cleared her throat, "How do you feel about Aurora?" She asked, almost flinching at the word. "Be honest with me."

Draco hesitated for a long moment and felt the wind being knocked out of him, his hand falling weak as the fork and spoon fell to the ground. His eyes widdened as that same warm feeling returned before he spoke up.

"I love her..." Draco's eyebrows furrowed as he looked around, "I'm in love her."

The confession of his love for the brunette girl came to him as a shock as years of memories flooded his mind. Narcissa expected as much but allowed him to register it.

"I'm am idiot." Draco mumbled, remembering their last moment together as he started to stand up. "I have to see her-"

"You can't." Narcissa said slowly, "I...I want what's best for you Draco. You're my son, my flesh and blood but if you declare your feelings for-for her then you put all of us at risk."

Draco glared at her, "How so, mother?"

"In telling her that, you are siding with her."

He scoffed, "It was never my war to begin with. You and father pushed your extremist ideas on me since the day I was born. It wasn't until I met Aurora that I saw the truth." He said, his mind becoming even more fuzzy.

He had just said the very thing Aurora wanted to hear from him.

Narcissa sighed, "I also don't agree with them entirely, but your father-"

"Can rot." Draco spat, his anger growing. "I want nothing to do with him. I just want her and for you to be safe."

Narcissa felt him tig her heart strings, "Then you cannot get involved with her. That is the only way you could love her." She said softly, as Draco's eyes watered while his face hardened.

"How will you-Narcissa tell me how to love when you've never loved Lusious."

Narcissa clenched her jaw, "You cannot tell her. And you will not." She said sharply, "you'd put her in even more danger and yourself."

Draco didn't speak another word, processing what he had just heard and ate his food quietly before his mother wrapped her arms around him. "I've come to love if she was one of my own. Seeing her make you happy after we robbed it from you is why I'm telling you this." She whispered into his ear. "To give you a chance at it."

Draco then believed her, he truly believed his mother wanted to help him and nodded before she cleaned up after them and he helped her.

Draco sighed as he sat back down, his head in his hands as he tried to think of what to do next. The only thing he could do was, do nothing.

Stay away.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now