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||37||  I WANNA BE YOURSmature

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"DRACO!" Aurora tried to move away from him as he rushed over to her, his sweaty body clad in his quidditch uniform.

"Just give me a kiss Aurora!" He groaned, chasing her around her room, her hands pushing anything in the way before he finally caught up to her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her slightly as she squealed in delight. "Ugh!" She playfully hit his arms before he set her down.

He forced her to face him, "Can I get a kiss now?"

"You're awfully needy." Aurora teased, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a firm kiss on his lips.

"Mm," Draco muttered, "Why don't we both jump in the shower..." he whispered between kisses. Aurora's lips parted slightly as he sucked on her neck softly, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"That sounds-"Aurora could feel the heat between her legs become hotter, "" She whispered, her hands tugging at his blonde hair. "But I've got to meet up with the others to discuss-oh fuck."

Aurora whimpered as he tore her shirt open and sucked on her breast, "Ditch them." He said, his tone low and dark as they entered the bathroom.

He reached over and turned to shower on, "I can promise you, staying here with me will be better than whatever they have planned."

The steam excited Aurora as she eyed him, her lip caught between her teeth, "I'm sure they can wait a couple minutes." She muttered before the two stripped from their clothes, attaching their lips whenever they could before they got in.

Aurora giggled when Draco winced at the hot water, "Don't tell me you show with cold fucking water-actually I wouldn't put it past you." Aurora laughed quietly making him smile.

His eyes wide with adoration as she stood in front of him in all her glory. Aurora noticed the way he was looking at her and blushed before he leaned down and kissed her, the water running down his body. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He whispered, "And I'm mad for you."

Aurora grinned, "Let's see how much." She whispered, her eyes widening in lust before she gently pushed him to a seat in the shower. He sat down, watching in complete awe as the water ran down her body before she straddled his waist, not yet lowering herself onto him.

"Don't be a tease." Draco said, intending for it to sound soft but instead his voice was husky as Aurora attached her lips to him. His hand gripped her waist before he reached down slightly and began to rub on her clit.

Aurora pulled away from him unintentionally, moaning into his mouth as he gripped her jaw to keep her looking at him. "Fuck Rory." Draco muttered, watching as the water trickle down her chest making it all more inviting.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now