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"ABSOLUTELY NOT." Sirius and Remus chorused as soon as they heard Aurora's plan. That same night Draco and Aurora snuck into Umbrudge's office and used it to floo in 12 Grimuald Place.

An emergency meeting had been called and all members of the order sat at the long table as Aurora and Draco stood side by side.

"It sounds crazy I know but this will help us. He will help us." Aurora said as Remus sighed.

"And what makes you think he won't just alert them as soon as he leaves this place. You're asking for too much Ms. Lexington-"

Aurora groaned, "I'm not asking for to much I'm asking for just the right amount. You don't have to trust him fine! But I do."

Molly inhaled sharply as she eyed the boy, a spitting image of his mother, "He deserves the chance to deflect, the same one we've given Severus a-and you Sirius."

Professor Snape sat at the end, his eyes trained on Draco who looked to be annoyed and frustrated by the people in front of him. He hated them.

"What does Dumbledore say?" Kingsley asked as Aurora shrugged.

"The man vanished and we haven't seen him on school grounds since. We snuck out." She said as they others looked around.

"Mr. Malfoy," Remus started as Draco blinked once, looking his way. "Are you aware of what you're getting yourself into?"

Draco clenched his jaw, "I wouldn't be standing here if I didn't."

"Oh perfect, another Aurora." Sirius mumbled as Molly gently smacked him on the arm. He scowled and kept his eyes trained on the table.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Truthfully I don't even want to be apart of your little hero club-"

"Draco." Aurora warned.

"but I would do anything for Aurora." He added, "If that means going against my entire upbringing and morals that were shoved down my throat-requiring my entire mind-then I'm willing to do so. I just want Aurora to be safe, not used. As for my mother, she didn't choose the mark. Many of you know who my father is and what he's capable of, he threatens me-used me, to make her take it."

Everyone was silent as he glanced at Aurora, grabbing her arm slightly and pulling her aside. "Can you step out for a moment?" He asked quietly as she frowned.


Draco didn't answer as she scanned his face. She huffed and nodded, pushing past some members and closing the door behind her.

He opened his mouth to speak when he realized who he had sent outside and held his hand out in front of them, telling them it's okay as he put a charm around the room with his wand.

A small groan can be heard outside, "I hate you!"

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he imagined her pouty face waiting outside trying to listen in only to be stopped. Molly a lips twitched upwards.

"Last Christmas..." Draco said slowly as he set his wand down, "I was tasked with retrieving the white wand from Aurora at whatever costs." He said while Snape eyed him carefully.

"Why did you?" Arthur asked as Draco scoffed lightly.

"I know you lot know about our friendship. It made sense for two elite families came together to introduce us." He said making Sirius scoff.

"Spoken like a true Malfoy "

"Shut up" Draco snapped, "I'm not my father." He lifted his shirt slightly to show a scar, "I told him I wouldn't hurt her and he took it upon himself to punish me in front of my mother-I don't want her to know. She'd only blame herself and that's the last thing I want." He said as he let his shirt go

"You really care for her." Molly said quietly.

Draco clenched his jaw as he forced the words out, "She's all I have." The last thing he wanted to do was show an vulnerability.

The members glanced at one another and came to a conclusion as the door opened and in came Aurora, not knowing what had occurred to Draco as she smiled. "So?"

"We have to ask Harry, Ron and Hermione...along with the twins and Ginny but we say yes. Everyone deserves a second chance" Molly said as Aurora's eyes grew.

"I didn't think it would happen that fast. I thought I'd have to resort to blackmail-"

"I'll escort the students back to Hogwarts" Snape said in his usual dry tone as he stood up. Aurora shrugged and bid them goodbye, no longer annoyed with them as she reached for Draco's hand.

He held it close to him, "Let's go home." Aurora whispered, looking up at him with a smile as he nodded and they left.

"Tell me I wasn't there only one who saw it." Remus said as Sirius nodded.

"I did too Moony."


"Straight to bed Malfoy." Snape said once they got to the castle. Draco nodded and watched as he walked away before he turned to Aurora who already had the look on her face.

The two races up the stairs, a smile on their faces, as they opened the door and immediately took their shoes off. Aurora raced to the bathroom to quickly do her night routine while Draco rummaged around the drawers and looked for his clothes.

He smiled when he saw it was still there.

He unbuttoned them black shirt of his suit before sliding on his Slytherin shirt and some black sweatpants as Aurora exited the bathroom with her hair up and the biggest smile on her face as they both slipped under the covers.

Aurora immediately wrapped her arm around him and tossed her leg above his torso as she shivered at his cold touch, "You're so bloody cold all the time."

"It's been years." Draco said as he wrapped his arms around her petite body, "You should know by now why."

Aurora onto smiled and snuggled into him as close as she could. This was the first time since their fall out that they had cuddled like they use to. Only this time, they knew of one another's feelings and instead of being on opposite poles they were on the same one.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now