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EVERYONE WAS STRESSED BEYONG MEASURE. Aurora was so burnt out she thought she was dead for awhile and she was just a ghost in the halls of Hogwarts just...there.

Ever since the kiss, Draco had been avoiding her at all cost. Every single class they had together he would skip and have someone else grab his notes. Did it hurt her feelings? Yes. Was she going to let it affect her? She didn't have a fucking choice.

"Focus." Aurora whispered to herself as she set her book aside, her glasses resting low on the bridge of her nose. She pushed them up and began to recite the spells she was reviewing.

Artemis, her owl, flew in a second later holding two envelopes stamped with a gold seal. The gold one was her parents no doubt and the other was...well she'd find out.

She opened it and read the good luck one before she opened the other one that had nothing. There was nothing on the letter. She tossed it aside and shrugged before she gathered her things and began to tidy her room. She wouldn't be able to concentrate if it wasn't clean and she needed a break from the books.

After she was done she began to exit her room, her hands shoved into her warm pockets as she saw the twins and waved at them. They seemed to be going after a couple of girls making her smile. Fred and George deserved the world.

The cold air hit her cheeks turning her pale skin into a rosy red around her apples and top of the nose. Her loose brown hair waved slightly as she walked to the grand hall for some lunch.

She had no idea what to expect, but she didn't expect to run into Grayson. She awkwardly apologized as Grayson glared at her.

Aurora cringed, "Okay what the fuck is your problem?" She asked annoyed, no longer interested in being someone's entertainment.

Grayson looked taken back, "Excuse me?"

Aurora unfolded her arms, "You've been acting like a dick with a stick up his ass all this time and I have never done anything to you so fess up." She said as if it were stating the obvious.

Grayson scowled at her, "You know why." He muttered as he began to walk away as Aurora followed after him.

"I actually don't know why I'm not a bloody mind reader." She said as they roamed the halls, "Hello?!"

"You left me for Hogwarts favorites!" He said as Auorra stepped back, his tone was hurt and his face resembled it. Aurora closed her eyes for a second, the anger subsiding and being replaced with guilt.

"I'm sorry-"

"Not enough."

Aurora sighed, "I'm sorry! I've been so caught up with-with stuff that I neglected you as my best friend and I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry Gray." She said as he scoffed lightly.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now