The Magnificent: I

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A/N Hello my dear reader! Thank you so much for choosing this story. I hope it helps you escape your reality for a a bit. I'm a new writer so this might not be the best but, it's all fun here. Enjoy the story and have a lovely day my darling. :)

The sun beat down on the cobblestone streets of Finchley. The bustle of city life filled my ears as I watched people pass with carts, grocery baskets and school bags. I looked at my watch, 7:35, Susan was late again. I didn't mind though, we had our first class of the day together so walking in late wouldn't be as embarrassing. 

I looked around the crowd of people and spotted a head of dark brown hair rushing around. I laughed as Susan stumbled in front of me, clutching her book bag. "Good morning y/n!" She said cheerfully. "Good morning Sue." I giggled as she fixed her hair and adjusted her uniform. "Anything new?" I asked, staring our usual conversation. "Not much, mostly school work." She sighed. "Except for the boy in your science class!" Squeaked a small voice from behind us. I turned to see Susan's sister Lucy directly behind us. She was an adorable young lady with brown hair, not quite as dark as her sister's, and large blue eyes. Her hair was worn in a shot bob that perfectly framed her round face. She smiled at me and I returned the gesture as I spoke "Is that so? Who is this strapping gentleman may I ask?" I said, making Lucy laugh. Susan glared at her sister before turning red and focusing on the ground. I laughed nudged her shoulder playfully before kneeling down to Lucy's height. 

"How is my fair maiden today?" I smiled, Lucy had a wild imagination and reminded me of myself when I was her age. We often spoke about far off lands, princes, dragons, and all sorts of magical things. She helped me escape my reality for a few hours. "I defeated a dragon in my dreams last night!" Lucy said excitedly. "I didn't kill it though, we became best friends." She beamed. "I applaud your noble deed, Princess." I said, bowing my head before standing and reaching for her hand. "M'lady." She giggled and took it enthusiastically.

"You know all that's just made up." Said a grumpy voice behind us. Without turning around I said brightly "Good morning Edmund!" just to annoy him. "G'morning." He grumbled. "Come on Ed, let her have some fun." My heart fluttered slightly at the sound of the last voice. I kept walking, swinging my arm with Lucy's and tried to collect myself before speaking. Susan stifled a laugh at my discomfort and it took all my willpower not to smack her shoulder. 

"Where's my good morning?" Peter asked. I smiled before saying "Good morning Peter." In a sarcastic tone. I heard him scoff and held my head higher, flipping my hair off my shoulders as if to prove a point. When we reached the school, I turned to Lucy, kissed her hand and said dramatically "Until we meet again, princess." She smiled her adorable smile and hurried into her classroom. I saw Edmund roll his eyes as he pushed past me for class. Susan and I laughed as she mocked his slouched posture and grumpy demeanor. Before slipping into our English room I spotted Peter, chatting with a few other boys. I lingered by the door for a moment, gazing at his tall, muscular frame and tousled dirty blonde hair. He looked in my direction and I froze when his gorgeous light blue eyes met mine. Peter smiled, I felt my lips lift into one as well before being pulled into the room by Susan just as the bell rang. I ran that moment through my head again and again. Memorizing every detail of Peter's soft, yet structured face. It could just be me, but I thought I saw his cheeks redden slightly during our exchange.

The school day passed terribly slow, as usual. The only excitement came in our last class of the day, the science class Lucy had mentioned earlier. I kept my eyes pealed as I took my seat, searching for the boy Susan fancied. He was a tall, quiet, young man with dark eyes and dark hair. I thought he was rather handsome until he spoke with us after class. The moment he opened his mouth, he lost Susan and I. Going on about how women should remain at home and not in the work place. I argued with him, very polite yet stern at the same time. Susan told me that my points were far better than his but she dragged me away before I could finish because the boy had begun to sweat and stammer. 

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