Act 1: Led Them Over to Your House Where I'm Broken

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Present Day-- 2025

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Present Day-- 2025

     As Dustin turned off the engine to his fifteen year old black Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, he hesitantly made his way up to the house that seemed like a cozy white picket fenced family home on the outside, but he knew that it wasn't on the inside. As soon as Dustin took his fist and knocked on the front door of the house, he felt like he should turn and run away, but he knew that if he did he would be labeled as a coward.

     When the front door finally opened, Dustin saw a face that made him almost want to commit suicide or murder. He told himself to keep his composure as he made an almost pleasant face or what he hoped was pleasant. 

Nicole: Dustin hey, come in.

     What a fake smile, Dustin thought as he looked to his sister whom owned the house. As Dustin walked through the door, he avoided eye contact with her.

     When Nicole shut the front door behind Dustin, she turned around as she took a look at Dustin's rough, hard and heartbroken exterior. He's been this way since that day, but Nicole didn't want to think about that day. 

Nicole: I'm glad you could make it.

Dustin: Well I wouldn't miss Junior's cooking for the world.

     Dustin smugly walked away leaving a slightly disappointed Nicole in the entry way of the house. As Dustin made his way into the kitchen, he knew that his sister's husband would be in there because he smelled the delightful smell of his cooking.

Dustin: Hey Junior, what's up?

     Junior stopped stirring the boiling pot that was on the stove as he glanced back at Dustin, whom was leaning against the counter island in the kitchen behind him, then back again.

Junior: Hey Dustin.

Dustin: Smells good in here.

     Dustin began to visibly sniff around in the air of the kitchen just like a dog would when his owner had just bought a big juicy bone, as he spoke to the back of Junior's head. 

Junior: Thanks. How's the shop going with Tony?

Dustin: It's going great.

     This conversation is getting awkward, Dustin thought to himself. His and Junior's friendship hasn't been the same since that day, so Dustin thought of anything to get him out.

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