Act 9 - There's No Way I Could Ever Keep This a Secret

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       When the two hour drive came to an end, Dustin parked his Wrangler in the driveway with all three -- Dustin, Lola and Nicole -- just looking at Allie who somehow still slept soundlessly on her pillow. She's been out for like an hour, Dustin thought to himself.
       Nobody was saying anything, they were just silently thinking, so Lola decided to break the ice because she desperately wanted to get home.

Lola: Should we gently pick her up and put her in my car so I can drive her home?

       Dustin felt himself become a little disappointed after Lola made her gesture, because he knew that with it he and Allie would just have to go their separate ways almost like nothing ever happened this weekend. Dustin didn't like the sound of that, so he suggested his brilliant plan. On the outside, he made it seem like it was nothing that could affect him at all, almost like he was just being nice or friendly.

Dustin: I can drive her home; let her sleep a little longer.

       Lola knew that Dustin was just trying to be nice, she honestly had nothing against the guy except for what Nicole has mentioned to her and Allie, but she almost wanted to just shake Allie awake and not let her friend be anywhere near Dustin. She knew it wouldn't be very ladylike -- just like her mother says -- to do that, so she just let it be.
       Before Lola got out of the car or even responded, she touched her friend on the head in order to say goodbye. Allie tried with all her might not to smile and blow her sleeping cover.

Lola: Ok, thanks.

       Dustin gave Lola a warm smile as if to say you're welcome; Lola didn't know how to read Dustin. She knows what Nicole tells her, but she see's different from him, he's more on the normal gentlemen side than what Nicole made him out to be. Lola just shrugged it off as she and Nicole got themselves out of the backseat.

       Once she was out, Lola began to stretch her back feeling the knot that formed when she was seated. When Nicole had opened the trunk door to Dustin's Wrangler, Lola walked back there to grab her stuff while Nicole did the same.

Lola: Thanks Nicole for inviting me, I had fun this weekend.

       Lola smiled warmly to Nicole knowing that she really did mean it, she didn't have to try and convince Nicole this time; but even though Nicole smiled back warmly.

Nicole: Me too. You and Allie for sure have to come next time.

       As Lola spoke her name, she looked through the window at her friend still sleeping on her pillow then back to Nicole, not exactly paying any mind that she and Nicole were still standing behind Dustin's car so he had to stay put.

Lola: I'm sure if Allie were awake, she would also have to say yes.

       Lola wasn't entirely sure of her or her friend, but she'd like to think so. Just like the good friend that she was, Lola made the gesture to hug Nicole goodbye, even though Nicole may have her moments of bitchiness? Insanity? Whatever it was, Lola knew that she was a friend no matter what or how she acted.
       Before walking to her blue car that she was so happy to see where she left it Saturday morning and without anything wrong to it -she was worried to leave it- Lola gave Nicole a smile saying Goodbye. Lola got into her car, threw her duffle bag into the backseat, then went driving off to her home. Finally, Lola cheered to herself.
       When Lola was out of sight, Nicole turned back to Dustin's car and walked up to his opened driver's side window with a sour look on her face. She's back, Dustin said to himself.

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