Act 28 - Are You Leaving Me or Are You Leading the Way

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       As the candles slowly faded out and the clock had struck 4:08 am, Allie laid half asleep next to Dustin; who was left to sleep in just his boxers because she stole his shirt that seemed more like a dress on her. Allie found herself smiling in her sleep because of the love that had just been made between her and Dustin, not long before she shut her eyes for sleep.

       Suddenly, Allie was taken out of her happiness as she heard something that seemed to be the sound of footsteps outside of her and Dustin's motel door. Allie felt herself begin to panic and her heart begin to race, she felt like she was a little girl all over again waking up in the middle of the night after seeing a scary movie. Allie didn't bother getting up because if it was a ghost or something -- her imagination went wild -- she didn't want to come face to face with it, so she just nudged Dustin on his arm softly.

Allie: Dustin... I heard a noise outside.

Dustin: It's probably just an animal or something.

       Allie heard Dustin speak with a rasp to his voice, she knew that she just woke him up from a deep slumber. You better wake up and protect me!!! Allie said to herself as she didn't care that Dustin was probably peeved that he was just woken up because of her being overly paranoid.

       Dustin opened his eyes just a slight slit because he didn't have enough effort to open them all the way and look at Allie. Dustin wrapped his arm around the front of Allie's body and pulled her closer to him for a cuddle position.

Dustin: Just go back to sleep.

       Dustin felt Allie snuggle in closer to him and pull his arm in deeper towards her, so he knew that Allie felt a little bit safer now. Dustin heard the noise too, but he didn't think anything of it like he knew Allie did. She was a little paranoid at times, but he didn't mind as long as he was there to wrap his arms around her and make her feel like she was protected.

       Everything is fine, it was just an animal, Allie told herself as she took a deep breath in then out to calm herself down. Seconds later, Allie felt comfortable enough to close her eyes again; and plus she was sick of staring into the darkness that filled the motel room. Allie couldn't bring herself to fall back to sleep, because she made herself become paranoid again as she swore that she just heard the front motel door creek open, but she knew that was an impossibility.

       Allie felt as if she was watching the scariest of all horror movies inside of her head, the scene was where the door of a motel room just like the one she is in right now, was opened and then closed. After the door quietly shuts, a strange man walks into the room just lurching in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to cause harm to his victims.

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