Act 29 - I Brought You Back Just Like You Wanted

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       On that Sunday after Allie's death, Allie's mother had gathered together a wake for her daughter, with the help of her best friend Lola and her family. Lori already knew how to plan a funeral, and she knew that her daughter had once said that she wanted to be cremated, so she made sure that Lola helped her pick out an urn that would satisfy.

       Dustin truly had now become a zombie because he hadn't slept since that day, he knew that he looked like a mess even in a clean tux that wasn't even his. Dustin didn't want to go home to retrieve one, and he didn't have time to get any of his clothes washed that he already had with him, so he borrowed one from Tony -- thankfully they are around the same height. Dustin wished that he didn't have to go, but he knew that if he didn't, he would regret it for the rest of his life -- along with other things.

       When Dustin had arrived to the wake with Lola and Tony by his side for support, he was mournful but at the same time he was pleased with the selection. 

       At the front of the room was a tall bright red urn that he knew Allie's body peacefully laid in the pile of ashes, and next to the urn was a 24x16 frame with the most beautiful picture that Dustin has ever seen. Dustin knew there would be pictures of Allie everywhere and he told himself to just deal with it -- be strong -- but he figured that it would just be school pictures or something like that.

       The big picture that was placed by Allie's urn was a candid picture of her laughing that incredible laugh of hers. Dustin thought that the chosen picture was perfect because it captured Allie so well, she was always laughing. I long to hear your laugh again... Dustin sighed to himself.

       Around Allie's beautifully and perfectly placed urn, everyone that was in attendance to the wake were placing a single white rose by the urn for the remembrance of a beloved girl. Dustin knew for a fact that Allie hated roses, she always felt that they were overdone and cheesy. Her favorite were Red Gerber Daisy's, so Dustin placed the single flower he brought, in front of the urn. The red daisy stuck out amongst all the other flowers, just like what Allie did in a crowd. She was the beautiful white dove in the sea of black crows.

       Dustin thought that Allie would approve very much of his decision, it was a bitter sweet gesture to her ending. Dustin felt as if he was always constantly crying softly to himself, so this day wasn't any different, but on this day he had people around to help comfort him. After Dustin placed the daisy in remembrance of Allie, he felt the tears start to roll at the same exact time he felt Lola wrap her arms around him.

       You're at a friend's fucking wake, this is not a time to be jealous, Tony began to say to himself because he felt Lola release from the grip of his hand and put her arms around Dustin. Soon, Tony told himself that: it was ok. Even though he wanted to comfort Lola right now, there were bigger problems: his best friend's girlfriend had just died. A girl that he has grown to know and love like his own family has just died, Tony soon came to realize.

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