Act 14 - Three and a Half Minutes Felt Like a Lifetime

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       After what was thankfully not too long of a walk, Allie found herself in front of Billy's auto shop that Dustin is currently working at. This place it exactly the same, Allie thought to herself as soon as she walked into the garage seeing the different car parts organized on the shelves lined against the walls -Allie still wasn't sure what exactly the car parts were- an opened door office of who she couldn't tell was in or not, then finally she saw Dustin working on the engine of the car, that's the only thing she was sure of.

       As quietly as she could, Allie walked up to the car Dustin is working on with the hood propped up-right. Allie began to lean against the car placing her head into the opening of the hood and just looked at Dustin doing what she wasn't exactly sure of, but he had a silver wrench in his hand.

Allie: Hey, my sexy mechanic man.

       Allie said commenting about Dustin's attire, a greasy and oil stained work jumpsuit. She couldn't help but want to slap his butt because he looked so good in the jumpsuit; it reminded Allie of his racing tracksuit that also looked super good on him.

Dustin: Hey!

       Dustin said as if surprised and startled, and as he tried to stand up straight he hit his head on the hood of the car. Allie couldn't help but smile to herself inside because she knew that she had just made Dustin nervous. Without making a fool of himself this time, Dustin placed his wrench on the edge of the car as he stood up straight and started to rub the back of his head trying to relieve the pain he felt.

       Feeling as if she was the cause to the problem, Allie began to run her finger over the back of Dustin's head for him; mostly because she was making sure that there wasn't a bump on that beautiful head of his. Dustin was mesmerized by the way Allie rubbed his head in a comforting manner, then once she took her hand away he told himself to be cool.

Dustin: How did you get here?

       Dustin had said as he started to look outside the auto shop for what he wasn't exactly sure because it wasn't like Allie would have driven here. He also knew that it was kind of dumb to think that her mom or Lola would drive her here.

Allie: I walked.

       Dustin looked to Allie with an expression on his face as if to say, are you serious? because he couldn't help but worry of what could have happened to Allie on the walk here. Allie could have gotten hit by a car as she walked down the street, wait she has him for that, Dustin told himself as he remembered the first time he saw Allie. Oopps, who knew that day would turn out to be this in just a few short weeks?

Dustin: You walked all the way here from your house?

       Allie could tell that Dustin was getting all worried that she had walked here, she loved him for that, he was worried for her safety. As she began to talk, she shrugged her shoulders up then back down as if to tell Dustin that it's not a big deal.

Allie: It's not like I've never done it before.

       Allie said knowing exactly what she was talking about, but Dustin just looked to her with scrunched eyebrows as if he wasn't convinced at all.

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