Act 27 - I Wish That We Could Stay Here

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       In the morning, Allie blissfully and ever so happily woke up to Dustin sleeping soundlessly next to her still. He looked beautiful as he ever could with the sunlight that seeped in through the motel window hitting his face in just the right angle.

       Like she had last night, Allie kept repeating to herself: I could get use to this, because she and Dustin had both announced that they had to take a shower before they did anything today. 

       The first adventure of the day, Allie and Dustin took a shower together. This time, Nicole wasn't there to interrupt them and best of all, they were both naked.

       Allie knows it sounds a little weird, but she's always had a shower fantasy. Not actually the showering aspect was part of her fantasy, but the part where she was standing under warm water while being held by someone she loved. Shower fantasy was complete in Allie's mind.

       After the best shower Allie had ever had in her whole entire life thus far, she began to get herself ready in the bathroom as Dustin got himself ready outside in the room.

Allie: So... where exactly are we going tonight?

       Allie had said out loud, hoping Dustin could hear her through the open door of the bathroom.

Dustin: I can't tell you.

       Dustin had said ever so mysteriously, Allie couldn't see his face but she knew that he was grinning that smile he did when he had a trick up his sleeve. Dustin always had tricks up his sleeve, Allie hated it but at the same time loved that about Dustin, because she always knew that the end result of his trick made her fall for him even harder.

       As Allie spoke back to Dustin, she began by letting out a frustrated sigh as if to say: come on, dude.

Allie: If I don't know where we're going, then how am I supposed to know what to wear?

       As Allie spoke her last words, she turned her head because Dustin was now standing in the doorway of the bathroom. He was looking so unbelievably handsome in his famous white V-neck shirt with an opened button up shirt, and dark washed jeans that more than passed for a type of dress pants.

       Allie thought that she had to contain herself when she saw Dustin naked today in the shower, but she had to control herself again as she saw Dustin in his shirt that showed off his stomach muscles just right, and his pants that made her want to dry hump. Yes, I did just say dry hump!

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