Act 6 - When You're Around I Don't Know What to Do

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      As the next day came, Allie hardly even realized that she was at school and sitting at the lunch table with Lola and Nicole. She was off in her own little world thinking about last night, Last Night... *insert love sick sigh*
      Quickly, Allie told herself to snap out of it before Lola or Nicole looked up from their food tray and noticed that something was up.

Lola: What were you up to last night because I text you, but you never answered.

      Allie told herself Lie, again even though she felt bad lying to her best friend. With Nicole always around, there's no way what really happened last night was going to come out.

Allie: Sorry, I had homework so it was off.

: Oh ok.

      Lola said as if she was convinced by Allie's lie. Nicole just cocked her head in confusion toward Allie that sat across the table.

Nicole: Wait... you turn your phone off when you do homework?

Allie: Yeah, because if it was on my mom would freak.

Nicole: Really? Your mom doesn't seem that strict.

          Nicole asked confused again, Allie began to answer her question slyly and with a hint of embarrassment. Lola didn't pay much mind to this conversation because it was like she already knew the whole story.

Allie: Well in the past I haven't done so hot with my grades, so senior year I have to in order to graduate. Those are the rules.

        Allie said with a shrug, then Nicole's confused look that Allie thought was permanently on her face slid away and turned to a face as if she just realized something for the first time in her life.

      Out of the corner of her eye, Allie saw a guy in her grade starting to walk toward her table and wondered why because she doesn't even remember the last time she talked to him; maybe it was ninth grade? Allie always kind of felt bad for the guy because he never seemed to have any friends. Granted, he was kind of weird and not the best looking guy in the world because of the small red bumps all over his face, chin length light brown wavy hair, and glasses that seemed to be way too big for his face. He also kind of had a gangly structure to him, not exactly what every girl wanted in a guy. 

      Allie told herself to stop judging as he approached the table, but to Allie's surprise he didn't come up to her, he walked over to Nicole's side of the table with an almost nervous excitement.

Junior: Hey Nicole.

      Allie caught Nicole sigh in annoyance under her breath and almost felt like smacking her in the face because there was no need for that type of annoyance.

Nicole: Junior, I'm kind of talking to my friends.

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