Act 11 - These Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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       As the official morning came and the sun was up, Allie felt as if she was in a dream. She wasn't aware of anything really that she was doing, going from class to class, listening to teachers, because her head and heart were somewhere else, somewhere better. Allie walked as if she was walking on the clouds and when she sat down at the lunchroom table with Lola and Nicole like every school day before, her head was stuck up in the sky and didn't want to come down.

       Lola looked curiously and with raised eyes brows to her friend that sat in front of her. Allie's hand was perched under her chin as if it was the only thing holding her head up or even on; also she had a dreaming look to her face. Where is she in that head of hers today? Lola wondered to herself.

Lola: I think the Texas sun has finally gotten to her.

Nicole: What?

       Nicole said as if coming to attention for the first time, she looked up from her plate of lunchroom food that she was busy disgustingly looking at earlier Why is school's food so gross?. Nicole was saying to herself a moment ago, then looked over to Lola sitting next her.

Lola: Just look at her.

      Lola said with a hand gesture for Nicole to turn her attention to Allie, Nicole looked over to Allie and saw exactly what Lola saw and began to look at her in the same way Lola was. Both Lola and Nicole were afraid that at any moment Allie was going to let out of dreamful sigh, for a reason that they wanted to get to the bottom of.

Nicole: Allie, are you with us?

      Suddenly, Allie snapped herself out of her dream like state of mind when she heard Nicole's loud questionable voice. Allie turned her attention over to Lola and Nicole sitting in front of her looking like they were confused by something, she began to freak out knowing that she was the reason.

Allie: Yeah, I'm totally fine.

       Allie said trying to convince her friends, it looked as if Nicole was slightly convinced, but Lola wasn't having it so her facial expression didn't even change an inch. Allie knew that Lola was a tough cookie to try and crack.

Lola: What's with you today? You look as if your head has been in the clouds all day.

: Please...

       Allie said with a 'pff' noise and a wave of her hand as a gesture to say stop it that's ridiculous! Lola observed Allie's mannerism and to her it seemed oddly familiar, but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. Just then, the light bulb above her head suddenly turned on brightly, so bright she thought it was going to shatter in front of her.

Lola: Oh my god! It's about a boy.

       Allie felt her eyes go suddenly wide like a cartoon character when their eyes would fall out of their head, she screamed busted! to herself. To play if off cool and in hopes of being able to convince, Allie made a face as if to say no way, you couldn't be more wrong.

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