Act 4 - Tell Me What You Want to Hear

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      When the end of school bell rang, Allie found herself thanking God that school was over

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      When the end of school bell rang, Allie found herself thanking God that school was over. While walking down the hall and towards the door to leave the school building, Allie heard the voice of a new friend.

Nicole: Allie, hey?

      Allie stopped walking as she turned to Nicole behind her. Once Nicole was caught up to Allie's walking pace, they walked down the hallway together.

Allie: Hey Nicole.

Nicole: So my family is having a house warming party, I want you and Lola to come so bring your family.

Allie: Yeah that sounds fun, what time?

Nicole: Around seven, see you then.

      Nicole delightfully smiled at Allie as she waved goodbye while hurrying out the door. As if trying to be sneaky, Dustin came walking up to Allie once she walked out of the school building doors.

Dustin: So, I hear you're coming over tonight?

: Yeah, your sister just invited me.

      Even before Dustin had time to smile, he heard the only voice that could make him cringe inside.

Nicole: Dustin, stop flirting with Allie and let's go home.

      Dustin's face went pure white from embarrassment. Busted, Allie thought as she tried so hard not to laugh in Dustin's face.

Dustin: I wasn't...

      Nicole cut Dustin's words short as she started walking towards him and Allie.

Nicole: Don't try to deny it.

      Dustin was too embarrassed to say anything back, so he just stood there afraid to make eye contact with Allie.

Allie: Well, I'll see you both tonight.

      Allie made sure that she was far enough away from Dustin to start laughing the laugh that was crawling up her throat when she was in front of him.
      As Nicole walked in front of where Dustin stood, she gave him a stern almost pissed off type of look.

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