Act 12 - Everything's Falling, and I Am Included In That

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       Feeling as if he was the greatest looking guy in the world -- getting a big head already? Allie asked herself -- Junior walked out of Allie's front door with a new confidence in himself. It's funny how a new hair-do can make someone suddenly believe in themselves, this isn't going to be as bad as Allie thought it would turn out to be.

Junior: Thank you girls, you two really are good friends to Nicole.

       Allie and Lola just smiled happily to Junior as if to say thank you, then Allie began to consider this for what it really was.

Allie: For what? Tricking her into liking you?

      That pretty much ruined the moment, Allie thought to herself but Junior wasn't letting it get to him because he's the new and approved Junior, he's a man now.

Junior: Well, if you put it like that it sounds bad.

      Junior said with a slight laugh so Allie and Lola began to join in, knowing that this is going to be a secret they'll take to the grave. Secrets all around for Allie.

Junior: She talks about you two all the time in science.

Allie and Lola: Really?

       Allie and Lola had both said at the same time with the same questionable look on their faces.

Allie: No offense, but she actually talks to you?

: Yeah, she said she doesn't want to just stand there and not talk even though it is me.

       Now Allie began to understand that was such a Nicole thing to do and say. As Junior finished his words, he began to look down at the concrete walk-way of Allie's porch with a look of embarrassment and shame. Allie began to wonder if she had ever made Junior feel that way, but then realized if she did she's making up for it now.

Lola: Harsh!

Junior: Yeah, but hopefully this will work and it won't have to be a secret like...

       As Junior began to speak, he turned his full attention to Allie and even before he could finished what he was going to say, Allie began to frantically scream to herself in her head what to say? What to say? What to say? Then suddenly, Allie threw her hands up in the air as if she just discovered something, it was to cause a distraction and a scene. And that's what it did, as she finally thought of what to say with more than a slight raise of her voice.

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