Act 22 - I've Seen What's Right and I've Seen What's Wrong

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Present Day- 2025

Dustin: Allie had such an infectious laugh...

       Dustin began to smile and laugh silently to himself as he began to remember that night ten years ago on the porch outside his bedroom window; that house has never been the same since.

       Lindsay sat cross legged on the floor in front of her uncle that sat in the living room chair, her eyes were in a daze. Lindsay knew that her uncle was physically here, but as she looked at him telling his story of the love that he seems to be still stuck in, she could tell that he was back in that day in his mind and in his heart.

Dustin: I'll never forget the way that she looked that night on the porch...

       It was almost like the day was just yesterday as the memories came rushing back to him, that night and the time that he had spent with Allie was like a movie that constantly played over and over again in his mind. Dustin would sometimes close his eyes and envision Allie standing right in front of him, her wide blue eyes that he loved to watch roll back when she was laughing -– he always got lost in those eyes -- and her brown hair that swept past the parts of her body that he remembers gently touching with his fingertips and his lips.

       Dustin always thought that he was going completely insane when he could sometimes feel the touch of her hand in his, and her warm body in his arms at night. He knew that it was an impossibility when he felt this sensation of her presence, but every now and again he suddenly could smell the sweet scent of Allie's shampoo that she used. Step by step, Junior tried walking as silently as he could, making sure he didn't hit where the floor board would creek, because he hated to interrupt when Dustin was talking about Allie. It was too late, Junior already saw his daughter look his way as he walked into the doorway of the living room. Junior could see in both of his daughter and brother-in-laws eyes that there were tears welling up -- in Dustin's more than anyone.

Junior: Sorry to interrupt, but dinner is ready.

       Junior had said out loud after he awkwardly cleared his throat. Dustin was glad that Junior had come into the living room, interrupting when he did, because he felt his voice getting choked up with the last words that he said.

       After Lindsay and Junior had walked together into the kitchen, Dustin remained in the living room to collect himself and to wipe away a salty tear that he felt rolling down his cheek; he hoped that no one was able to see that earlier. Dustin exhaled deeply as he rubbed the back of his tension filled neck, then he proceeded to pick himself up from where he sat, and walked into the kitchen to join everyone else. When Dustin had walked into the kitchen, he saw everybody in their place, Junior and Nicole sitting next to each other -- what? Do they not know they are together so they have to sit on the same side? -- and Lindsay across the table from them, Dustin sat in the opened chair next to his niece and across from his sister. Dustin doesn't know why he even agreed to dinner at Nicole's house, he didn't even want to see her at Christmas when he stopped by his old house that his parents still live in. Dustin remembers the first time he went back to that house, that room, he couldn't even bare to step a foot in his old bedroom door because it hurt too much, everything was a constant reminder of how lost he is without Allie.

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