Act 20 - 'Cause All That You Are Is All That I'll Ever Need

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       It was the first Saturday in her whole life that Allie actually was awake for. As she still laid in her bed at her own house this time, she was already awake as her mother crept into her room. Every year on her birthday, Allie's mother went into Allie's room to wake her up, but this year it was an hour later than usual and her daughter was already awake.


       Lori had practically sung to her daughter as she jumped onto the edge of the bed, Lori felt like a little girl again as she did so.

       You're such a dork, Allie thought of her mother that seemed to be more excited than she was this morning.

Allie: Thanks Mom.

       Allie said happily to her mother as she popped up from where she laid under the covers. She was smart this morning when she got home, because she changed into her flannel pajama bottoms and t-shirt so she wouldn't be cold as she woke up –-again--.

Lori: Come on, I made your favorite breakfast.

       Allie liked the sound of that so as she and her mother got up from her bed, Allie practically jumped for joy. As Allie got into the kitchen, it was like it was her dad's birthday all over again, his and her birthday are kind of like the same in the morning. On the table were all of Allie's -- the birthday girl's -- favorite breakfast foods: chocolate chip pancakes   -- just like her father -- hash browns and sunny side up eggs. So far, Allie thought that this has turned out to be a very good birthday.

       Since she was the birthday girl, Allie didn't even have to serve herself, her mother dished her plate for her and all Allie had to do was eat it. It would have been a very lonely breakfast if her mother hadn't joined her, Allie lived for these moments where her and her mother sat down to eat a meal together. Allie's father always used to say: a meal isn't a meal without your family around the table with you.

       One day Allie hoped that she could tell her kids that. Dustin would appreciate that also, don't get ahead of yourself, Allie thought.

Lori: So... you're going to Junior's tonight?

       Lori had said as if making sure exactly what her daughters plans were because they were always all around. That's Allie, always doing something, Lori thought.

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