Act 21 - I Don't Care What Nobody Says, We're Gonna Have a Baby

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       Nicole had thought that school would be good for her, it would distract her and it would give her something to do besides mope around the house all day. Today, school was the last place that Nicole wanted to be right now. Thursday's used to be the best days at school, Nicole thought to herself, she's always like Thursday for some odd reason, maybe because it meant that the weekend is soon approaching; but this Thursday wasn't a good day. As she walked down the halls, she was becoming paranoid wondering if anyone knew what she was hiding.

       Nicole wasn't showing yet so there was no need for baggy sweatshirts, it would be especially weird and noticeable because the weather was getting much warmer these days. Even in her science class that just on Friday she was excited to walk into because Junior was still her lab partner and her boyfriend, didn't bring as much joy today as other's had before.

       Nicole hadn't really spoken to Junior since Saturday afternoon when he drove her to the drug store to get a pregnancy test and when she told him how it was positive -- congrats you're going to be a father -- but otherwise she wanted to be alone. Nicole knew that Junior wanted to be there for her when she needed it and even if she didn't -- he was a good boyfriend like that -- but she didn't need him giving her that look as if to say: is everything ok, do you feel like barfing? while they were sitting in class. It was irritating, embarrassing, and kind of noticeable; Nicole might add.

       He was always carrying her school books for her because he doesn't want her to do any heavy lifting. She felt like it was such a crime that the father of your baby actually gave a shit about her.

       That day at lunch, it looked almost as if Nicole had just found out that somebody close to her had died; oh wait, somebody or something had died --her youth--. She wasn't really in the mood for eating either, she was picking at her food instead of putting it in her mouth. Allie noticed, and figured Nicole would be hungrier than that. She guessed it was the shock of being pregnant that made Nicole's stomach not hungry, even though she knew the baby had to be starving -- you have two people to worry about now, three if you include Junior.

       Allie nor Lola were paying too much attention to Nicole, it's not like they weren't trying to, but she was being little miss dramatic. Whenever Allie or Lola asked if she was ok, she would just kind of nod her head and force a smile on her face. It seemed as if there was a lot going on in her head, but she wasn't saying it just yet. Allie figured that she was waiting for the right moment to strike, and reveal all her theatrics on them. 

       Allie had bigger things on her mind than Nicole's problem that guaranteed attention, all eyes on her. She couldn't believe that it was almost the last full week of her high school career, but she didn't mind so much because this was the time of day where she had 45 minutes to talk with her two best friends -- well maybe one for sure. Whenever Allie sat at the lunch table with just Lola and Nicole, she always wondered: why isn't Junior sitting with us? because Nicole had that boy whipped and attached to her hip. Allie figured everyone needed a breather from each other once in a while -- well maybe not everyone, just the people that are with Nicole.

       Allie seemed to be the only one in ending of school bliss, Lola visually looked like she has been shaking her leg ever since she woke up this morning --that would explain why Allie heard a tapping noise in Lola's car and she knew it wasn't just because of the music--. And Nicole looked as if she was going to hurl and Allie knew that it wasn't afternoon sickness from the baby, because Nicole already did that before lunch and she hadn't taken a bite from her lunch plate yet.

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