Act 18 - Wondering, Could You Stay, My Love?

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        After a nights peaceful and more wonderful than she thought sleep, Allie began to hear the chirping of the early morning birds. Once she peeked opened her eyes, she could see that the morning sun was also peeking out from the clouds wanting to say good morning, but was acting a little shy. It was almost like the alarm clock in Dustin's head had gone off because he popped open his eyes and took a deep breath in then out, slightly yawning. He looked down to Allie still lying in his arms and in his sweatshirt.

Dustin: Good morning beautiful.

       Dustin said with a kiss on top of Allie's head because she was in the same position on his chest as the time he closed his eyelids last night and fell asleep. Dustin hoped that he didn't have re-donk-u-lous morning breath and that it wouldn't be a total turn off in this moment to Allie. Thankfully, Allie didn't seem to notice his breath, because she was smiling to herself as she wrapped her arms tighter around Dustin's chest in order to get a good stretch for the morning.

       Then suddenly, Allie remembered that yesterday was only Monday so then that means that day is Tuesday, a school day.

Allie: What time is it?

       Allie asked as if startled, she sat up from where she laid. It startled Dustin the way that she sat up, he slowly took out his cell phone from his front jean pocket and looked to the time. After noticing the time, he sat up suddenly just like Allie had a moment ago.

Dustin: Oh my god! Allie, its 7 o'clock.

Allie: We got to go.

       Allie returned back just like Dustin had, freakishly and little fast, but they could still make out the words. Dustin literally jumped up from the ground by the oak tree and brushed off the dirt and grass from his jeans. As he noticed Allie trying to pick herself up, he offered his hands and pulled her to her feet. Allie and Dustin had practically ran all the way home, pausing to kiss each other goodbye for now at the street corner, then went their separate ways.

       Once Allie got close to her house, she turned her stealth mode on --like the night she and Lola spied on Nicole and Junior-- and made it into her room without making too much noise or being seen. Allie feared that her mother had already been in her room to check on her this morning. As soon as she was in, she made sure to make noises so her mother would know that she was here and not to worry. Allie practically threw off yesterday's clothes, even though she wished that she could wear Dustin's sweatshirt all day long and then some more, then started pulling off clothes from the hangers in her closet, hoping that they looked good on her.

       When it came time to do her hair, Allie ran out of her room and into her bathroom and just put on a head-band to keep her hair back away from her face, then styled it slightly with her straightener as she tried multi-tasking by brushing her teeth at the same time. Allie was dressed in a fitted shirt and jeans with her hair back from her face just like she would wear on a lazy Saturday, but she didn't care too much because the time was getting close to 7:30 am and she knew that Lola would be here soon.

       Searching for where she left her backpack, Allie remembered that she hadn't cleaned up her homework mess from the kitchen table last night and she knew that her mother would in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 throw a fit, so Allie made a mad dash up the stairs. Sure enough, when she got into the kitchen her mother was standing there giving her that look, Allie knew that look very well.

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