Act 30 - Nothing Is As It Has Been, and I Miss Your Face Like Hell

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                   Present Day- 2025

Dustin: ... That moment was everything that she dreamed. I kept my promise.

       As Dustin finished his story that he could tell every day for the rest of his life, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Dustin began to fight back tears at the same time that Junior and his niece Lindsay began to do.

       Suddenly, Lindsay picked herself up from where she sat next to her father on the couch and walked over to her uncle that sat in a daze in the lazy boy chair across the room.

Lindsay: I'm so sorry Uncle Dustin.

       Dustin was startled slightly as he was taken out of his state of mind, by the feeling of his niece's arms around him. Dustin told himself to hug back, but inside he was tired of hearing: I'm sorry, even to this day.

       Feeling himself become a little choked up by the story that he never knew had so much deep passion to it, Junior cleared his throat interrupting the moment.

Junior: Dustin, I never said this before but at the wake...

       As Junior spoke from where he still sat on the couch, he found himself awkwardly looking down at the floor as if the words he was looking for were written somewhere down there.

       Dustin didn't need to hear Junior finish what he was trying to say, he already knew what came next.

Dustin: Junior, she would have wanted you there either way. After all, you are the one who kept our secret.

       Neither Dustin nor Junior understood why, but they began to laugh together as if it was old times again. Almost as if it was senior year and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

       Soon, Dustin began to hear the sound of clogs hitting the floor as if it was a fat chick running. Sure enough, when he turned around to where the noise was coming from, he saw Nicole making her way in the room to ruin the moment between old friends.

       Surprisingly, before Dustin or Nicole could bring themselves to say a word to each other, Lindsay broke the mold.

Lindsay: Mom, why didn't you just let them be together?

       Dustin turned himself around in the chair because he more than wanted to hear the answer to this question. But, once again became disappointed because his sister was still using the same type of bullshit excuses.

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