Act 23 - Our Words Are Strong and Our Hearts Are Kind

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15 years ago- 2010 *Awake- Bianca Ryan*

       Allie felt anxious butterflies flutter like crazy around in her stomach as she rushed around her room mentally checking everything for this weekend off her list she made up in her head. Pajama's check, clothes for tomorrow check, hair stuff -- hairspray, straightener, etc -- check, make-up -- check, new freshly burned CD -- check. Allie was all set now, all she had to do was wait for the call or the text that Dustin was waiting for her. Allie had been up since seven this morning, which is weird for her since it's so early, but she guessed that she was just too excited to sleep in even though they aren't heading out until around ten --which is soon as Allie looked to her bedroom clock.

       Finally as if answering her frantic call in her head, Allie felt her phone begin to vibrate. As she looked to her cell phone screen, it flashed NEW TEXT MESSAGE DUSTIN: Ready?!? is what she read. Of course I'm ready! See you soon? is what Allie quickly typed back, then gathered her duffle bag in her arms and lugged it up the stairs to the front door.

Allie: Bye Mom, I'll be back sometime tomorrow.

       Allie had said once she slipped on her shoes in the entry way of the front door, her mother was standing in the kitchen probably just waiting around for Allie to come up from her room just like the way she had. Allie wondered what her mother was going to do with a whole two days all by herself, Allie hoped that her mother wouldn't get too lonely because for the past couple of years it's only been Allie and her mother in this big house.

       Allie worried sometimes because her mother never really went anywhere but the grocery store or to work, it was time for her mother to get back out there. Not exactly to find a man -- Allie would never be ok with that -- but to hang out with old friends; like Lola's parents.

Lori: Are you sure you don't want me to drive you down to Nicole's?

: No, I'm fine with walking.

       And I don't want you to catch me with my boyfriend, Allie thought to herself in her head of why she told her mother she was walking down to Nicole's house. Plus, it was just down the street so it would be a total waste of gas for her mother, but Allie figured that her mother was just having a hard time letting go and watching her only daughter be so independent. You're going to have to do it sooner or later, Mom, Allie thought to herself.

Lori: Ok, have fun!

Allie: I will.

       And that's the truth, Allie thought as she hugged her mother and felt her being kissed on the forehead just like when she was a little girl.

      Allie picked up her duffle bag from where she had dropped it on the floor in the entry way, then proceeded to walk out the door and down the street as if she were going to Nicole's house. What Allie saw that her mother didn't was Dustin's black Wrangler parked and waiting for her patiently down the street. It looked almost as if it was her carriage with her prince charming inside of it, that's pretty much what it was in reality.

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