Act 26 - We Can Move On Looking In the Rearview Mirror

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       Moments later as Allie and Dustin sat in an idling car in front of Allie's house, they were finally digesting what the ending of the night had just come to. Allie always imaged that Nicole would freak out, because hello otherwise why would this relationship have started off as a secret in the first place. But, Nicole freaked -- more than freaked – out. Allie thought that Nicole's head was going to explode with how angry she actually got, and for some reason all Allie felt was a weight lifted off her tiny shoulders.

       Yes, granted that her and Nicole's friendship was probably over, but then again it didn't really matter because Dustin wasn't at all close with his sister. This relationship being out in the open like this made it feel more than just real, and with that thought it made Allie giddy with joy at all the new adventures and possibilities she and Dustin had now.

       No more worries, no more fear, no more sneaking around, tip toeing around Nicole, acting as if we hated each other in front of her, Allie thankfully thought to herself. They could actually be together was nothing holding them back, not that it was before, but it made it feel more like a freedom.

       Allie knew that she wasn't going to be around Nicole making out with her brother right in front of her -- even though that kind of sounded awesome -- everything was just more acceptable and almost like it was finally falling into place.

Allie: I can't believe that really just happened.

       Allie said almost breathlessly as if thrown off by shock, while she sat straight forward looking out to where Dustin's car's headlights grabbed the edge of darkness.

       It was almost like Dustin was staring at that same spot as Allie was in his own moment of shock.

Dustin: Me either, but it felt good!

       Almost like it was choreographed, Allie and Dustin turned their heads at the same precise moment to look at each other with the same satisfied smile on their face. Soon enough the moment of agreeable bliss was gone, because Allie started to think of one detail that could derail the whole thing.

Allie: I just hope Junior doesn't hate me for selling him out like that.

       Dustin suddenly became concerned as he watched Allie slowly and sadly take her eyes away from his, and bow her head to the floor of the car. Both Allie and Dustin were a little bit frightened that Allie would shed a tear or two with how guilty she felt by exposing Junior, when it wasn't his fault that Nicole had found out about the lovers.

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