Act 19 - It's Just the Touch Of Your Hand Behind a Closed Door

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       It was finally the next morning, which meant the last day of school for the week, then it will finally be the weekend; this weekend was especially exciting for Allie more than usual. If Allie wasn't so dang happy about this weekend, she swears to God that she would punch Nicole right in the face because practically all day she kept saying to Allie and Lola, ''Don't forget about the group hang at my house tonight''. It was like that was all Nicole could think about and when they weren't talking about it, she found some excuse to randomly bring it up. She was like the nerdy girl in school that didn't have any friends, but once there was something going on she had to overly talk about it to make sure that people still liked her or something.

       Before the last school hour had begun, Allie and Dustin meet up, thankfully without any interruptions --Michelle, insert a hint-full cough--. Allie had told Dustin that no matter what he has to stick around tonight, because she doesn't want to be the fifth wheel when she doesn't exactly have to be. They made a game plan, Tony and Junior are Dustin's friends too, so he stays. Allie was starting to like art class more and more these days because not only had the curious stares stopped --well maybe a few-- but Michelle was long gone to where Allie wasn't too sure of, but she didn't exactly care too much.

        After school at Nicole's house, it was just the girls home as they were in the kitchen preparing some snack food for the group hang tonight --well more like Nicole and Lola were because they ordered Allie not to, she would just eat it instead of putting it into bowls-- Allie just observed as she sat on the kitchen counter leaning her back up against the cupboard, calmly listening to the music being played over the kitchens stereo. Allie had just made a new mixed CD because she was in the mood, so at the moment Joshua Radin's song was serenading the kitchen, -- "All I needed was the love you gave, all I needed for another day, and all I ever knew, Only you..." is what she sang in her head at the moment. Allie noticed Lola and Nicole slowing swaying their bodies back and forth like two girls lost in love, song, and dance as the music played.

       Suddenly at the bottom of the entry way stairs, Allie saw a gorgeous man in a black T-shirt and faded jeans emerge through the door. Allie remembered the first time that she actually saw Dustin when he had first moved in and he was lugging a box up the stairs. Allie will never forget that because that was the first moment where she saw something different about him, other than an asshole that almost hit her with his car. Thankfully, Nicole wasn't paying attention because she was filling pretzel's into a big bowl and lost in the music -- Allie knew that it would be a good idea -- because before Dustin walked into the kitchen, he gave Allie a loving wink of his eye that made her feel like her insides had just melted completely.

       It was kind of relieving when Nicole didn't even notice that Dustin had walked into the kitchen and over to the sink to wash his hands because of the oil stains -- Allie was starting to love that look -- if she did, she would ruin the moment with a bitchy comment. Allie came to realize why Nicole was so distracted, the doorbell started to ring and so did Nicole's ears that perked up just like a dog's would. Allie guessed that Nicole more than really likes Junior, you're welcome very much. 

Nicole: I'll get it.

       Nicole finished dumping the bag of pretzels into the big bowl, then with the empty bag, she turned around and shoved it in Dustin's hands saying: throw this away now. So she did notice him, Allie realized to herself of Nicole's actions.

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