Act 5 - Make Me Listen to the Truth

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      The day had turned to the next, and at school Allie avoided any situation for where she would just happen to run into Dustin

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      The day had turned to the next, and at school Allie avoided any situation for where she would just happen to run into Dustin. She was acting like she was in a movie where every corner she turned he would be going the direct opposite, they would cross paths but never see each other. As Allie walked down the long crowded hallway to her last period art class, she aimlessly watched her feet move one by one, then as she looked up she saw the one face that used to make her heart skip a beat. Now looking at him, he made her want to run and hide.

      In order to avoid eye contact or any kind of contact, Allie walked faster as she caught up to the kid that was walking in front of her. He was alone so she figured she'll use him for a distraction. She threw her arms around the kid's shoulders like they were best friends or something.

Allie: Hey buddy, how's it going?

      Just from the sound of her voice, Dustin turned his head to where he heard Allie and became confused; why does she have her arm around some random freshman?

      Dustin felt like he should say something to Allie, but then he heard her laugh hysterically as if she was actually having a real conversation with this random guy.

Allie: Oh my god, you are so funny!

       Allie let out a pathetic attempt of a laugh as Dustin walked passed her. Dustin turned his head back to Allie one last time as he still wondered what she was up to.

      Once Allie knew that Dustin's staring eyes weren't on her anymore, she looked behind her just to make sure he wasn't in sight. Allie brought her arm back to the side of her body as she looked at the kid who stared freakishly at her like she just escaped from the lonely bin, sometimes Allie felt like she was going crazy.

Allie: Thanks, you've been a great help! Bye.

      Allie patted the kid on the shoulder that she once had her arm around, then she skittishly ran into her art classroom. All the while thinking that she had just made that kids year, he was probably off telling all his friends about his encounter with a senior girl, well that is if he has any friends.

      As Allie sat down at her art stool, she had to catch her own breath because she was breathing so heavily from What? Embarrassment? Craziness? Allie asked herself as she let out a deep sigh and let her worthless backpack fall to the ground.

      Almost like clockwork while Allie caught her own breath again, Dustin came walking in the room and exchanged words with the art teacher like he has so many times before. This time around it was different having Dustin stand in the room of her art class, it was boarder line weird and uncomfortable. It's not like he's going to rape you right here, right now, Allie told herself as she looked down to her beaver drawing that seemed to be getting worse every day, in order to avoid confrontation with Dustin.

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