Act 10 - For Every Piece of Me That Wants You

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        Thankfully, when the last bell of the day had rung Allie began to pack up her things and headed out of her art classroom that happened to be the most awkward place ever. All through class, Allie felt Michelle's glaring eyes on her; Allie had to try so hard not to look or retaliate back. Trying to ignore someone is really hard to do, Allie just happened to realize that.
       Once Allie had made a mad dashed out of her classroom and out into the hallway where all the other students were feeling just as relieved as her to be walking out of the school for the day, Allie half hoped to see Dustin waiting for her, but instead it was Nicole.

       Damn it, Allie thought to herself. She silently cursed Nicole, because they saw Dustin, she couldn't be the girlfriend she wanted to be around him, she had to hate him, Allie regretted ever suggesting the word hate. To let Nicole know that nothing was wrong, she smiled to her happily. Even before Allie or Nicole had the time to say hello, Dustin came walking up to them on Allie's side of the hall.
       This is exactly what I'm talking about, Allie thought to herself. She pretended to notice Dustin only because someone was standing next to her, and not because she felt her heart start to melt.

Dustin: Hey Nicole, do you think that you could get a ride with Allie and Lola?

Nicole: Why?

       Nicole said with a snarl, Allie felt like smacking Nicole over the side of her face. She told herself not to, because knew that it wouldn't be the most appropriate thing to do. Unfortunately, she kept her hands to herself.

Dustin: Because I might be getting a job and I have to go straight over there now.

       Allie felt like congratulating Dustin, but knew that she couldn't. Before Nicole could give another one of her ever so rued comments to her brother, Allie stepped in.

Allie: Yeah, I'm sure Lola wouldn't mind an extra person.

Dustin: Ok good.

       Dustin said with a wave as he walked ahead of Allie and Nicole, then out of the school building doors.

Allie: So, your brother's getting a job?

       Since Allie couldn't congratulate Dustin, she thought that asking about it would do just fine. Instead of just answering her question, Nicole had a once again annoyed look on her face.

Nicole: Yeah, if he can keep it.

Allie: Why is your brother bad at keeping jobs or something?

       Allie knew that what she asked wasn't true, but in order to play her act she decided to sound like she was agreeing with her friend, for once.

Nicole: He's never really had a job before, but he's a total screw up.

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