Act 2 - Now You're On the Road With Your Painful Load

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15 years ago—2010

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15 years ago—2010

     On a warm and sunny day in a small town of Plano, Texas a seventeen soon-to-be eighteen year old girl with wide blue eyes full of adventure and chestnut brown hair that swept loosely down her back, walked down the drive way of her house as she saw a large moving van go driving by. Allie made her way to her desired destination, the mailbox across the street, and to her surprise it was filled with different colored envelopes. After she grabbed them, she riffled through them while walking obliviously back across the street to her drive way.

     A newly eighteen year old Dustin drove down the streets of his new neighborhood in his new black Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, he was driving smugly almost as if he didn't want to be there. As if coming back to reality, Dustin slammed on his breaks as a dumb-ass girl -so he thought- walked obliviously across the street. Allie heard the sound of screeching tires as she dropped the mail that she was once obliviously looking at, to the ground so she bent down to pick everything up.

     A frustrated Dustin got out of his car and slammed his door as he walked over to the girl he had almost hit. 

Dustin: Are you blind or just stupid?

Allie took a few steps back from the guy that has just ferociously approached her, as she held the now dirty mail in her two hands. Allie started to speak back in a smart-ass mocking tone of voice, she was good at that.

Allie: Well that's tough to answer, but I have a question for you. Are you a person or just a dick?

Dustin: Well I do have one of those.

     A grin slid across Dustin's face as he spoke in a total douche like tone of voice, he was the only one that thought it was a priceless comeback. Allie rolled her eyes and sighed as if disgusted to the guy that was being ever so rued.

Allie: Not what I meant. You know if you would've hit me I sooo... would've sued.

Dustin: If I would've hit you, you wouldn't be here right now.

Allie: And whose fault is that?

     Allie became defensive as she spoke, then she whipped her long chestnut brown hair as she turned to walk away sharply with anger. She then began speaking under her breath
when she was turned away.

Allie: Asshole!

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