Act 15 - It's Just You and I Tonight, Why Don't You Figure My Heart Out

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       Thank god for Friday's! Nicole said to herself all day long at school, but once she had approached her science classroom she hesitated before she actually decided to go inside. There was thankfully no sign of Junior, so Nicole walked right in and sat down at her lab table and proceeded to do her homework from her last hour, while she dreaded the wait until Junior actually walked into the room. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him and all his glory –- gorgeousness -- coming into the doorway of the classroom. She told herself to just breathe and look as if she didn't even notice him because she's too concerned about her homework.

       Junior took himself a deep breath as he marched himself over to the lab table that he saw Nicole sitting at just like the day before with her head in the book. Junior set his books on top of the table and was about to just blurt everything out, then he saw Nicole lift her head up and smile quickly at him, then back down to her textbook again. Nicole told herself not to do it, but she couldn't help herself as she smelled Junior's cologne and saw out of the corner of her eyes that he was hotter than he was yesterday. Why? Nicole whined to herself as she looked back down to her homework knowing now that she was a complete and utter dork.

Junior: Nicole, would you like to go out with me tonight?

       Junior didn't know what came over him, it was so unlike him to just blurt that out because he's never really asked a girl out before. But there was something inside of Junior, it was something called confidence, a word that he never knew he had in his vocabulary.

       Nicole suddenly felt herself stop breathing as she slowly turned her head to look back at Junior, but this time she didn't move another inch away. It was like yesterday when she had become stiff and a deer caught in the headlights expression came to her face.

Nicole: Are you seriously asking me out?

       This better not be a joke, Nicole said to herself inside because if it was, she wasn't in the mood to laugh at it. Junior just smiled a smile that Nicole felt herself melting in her chair over.

Junior: Yeah, it's Friday and I would like your company.

Nicole: Ok.

       Eppp! Nicole said to herself in her head as she felt like some dumb girl melting over a hot guy while twirling her hair around her fingers. Nicole didn't care because her wildest dream that she didn't quit know was a dream of hers, was coming true in this very moment.


       At lunch, Allie and Lola were sitting in their usual spots -- mostly because if it changed Lola's head would start to spin with the newness of everything -- but surprisingly Nicole was nowhere in sight. It began to worry Allie because Nicole was always the first to the lunch table since her classroom was just down the hall from the cafeteria. Suddenly, startling both Allie and Lola -- Allie was so startled that the food on her fork about to be put into her mouth, had jumped from her hand and onto the floor, Allie prayed that no one saw that -- Nicole came running up to the table while she threw her backpack on the floor and sat down almost missing the chair.

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