Act 8 - Have You Heard Who You Are? You're a New Morning

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       After the race had finished and Dustin crossed the finish line, he was walking back to the campsite furiously with his parent's on either side of him, Allie and the girls were walking behind from a distance. Allie could tell that Dustin was frustrated from the outcome of the race in the way that he walked and talked. Also, she could see how angry he was by the way he was griping his right hand onto his racing helmet. Allie thought that if Dustin gripped any tighter, the helmet would shatter into a million pieces.

Kathleen: You were great honey.

Dustin: No I wasn't, I stalled out in the middle of the track.

       There was a long pause as everyone kept walking forward, all Allie could hear was the sound of dirt kicking up from her feet and the sound of Dustin's heavy angered breathing. Kathleen put her hand on Dustin's back in a comforting manner just like any mother would do to calm her son down from whatever he was upset about.

Kathleen: It's almost dinner time, so let's go back to the camper and cool down. Ok?

       Dustin suddenly stopped walking as he looked to his mother, Allie saw the almost devastated look on Dustin's face. She so desperately wanted to console him, but knew that she couldn't.

Dustin: I'm not hungry; I'm going to go put my car in the garage.

      Dustin walked away with that same look that made Allie's heart sink, but she kept on walking to the camp sight to follow everyone in front of her.


       As time passed, dinner was made, a campfire was going inside the pit, people were seated at the picnic table and around the fire, but there was still no sign of Dustin. Allie was starting to worry that he was never going to come back.

Kathleen: Nicole honey, will you please bring this plate of food to your brother.

       Kathleen said to Nicole sitting at the picnic table with Allie and Lola, with a paper plate of food in her hand. Nicole looked to her mom with a look as if to say; You're kidding me right?

: No way. If he wants to go hungry, he can.

       HOW RUDE!
Allie said to herself, along with thinking that Nicole is being selfish and everything else that went with that. Allie stood up from the table and grabbed the plate of food from Kathleen.

Allie: I'll take it to him Kathleen.

Kathleen: Thanks Allie.

       Kathleen said with a smile on her face, then looked down at Nicole with a
now-is-that-so-hard-type of look. Allie smiled to Kathleen as she turned and walked away hoping that where she was walking to was the right destination.

       After asking around from some boys that looked to be about her age, whom noticeably checked her out -Disgusting Allie thought to herself of the boys- she found her way to the garage of where Dustin said he was going to be. Sure enough when Allie had walked inside, still with the plate of food in her hand, she found Dustin just sitting in the driver's side of his parked race car with a look on his face as if he was defeated.

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