Act 16 - You're Miles Away, But I Still Feel You

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       Allie felt as if she was in a dream sequence while hearing the birds annoyingly chirping into the morning sun, Shut Up Already! she felt like screaming. Then, the dream sequence turned into a nightmare because Allie began to hear the opening of her bedroom door, and the pitter patter of feet walking along her carpet. Through it all, she still kept her eyes tightly shut while she tried not to move an inch under the covers where she laid, because if it was a killer entering her room she wanted it --whoever it was-- to think that she was dead. That's what she always told herself to do in a real situation of a killer coming after you. No matter what just drop to the floor dead and pray that they don't even bother and go away.

      But sadly, it was not a killer that had just entered Allie's room. It was worse, it was her mother.

Lori: Allie wake up.

       Lori said in the gentlest way possible almost like she was sorry to be waking Allie up, but Allie knew that her mother loved every minute of this. Still going on with the Mother Nice routine, Lori began to pat Allie on the back in hopes of waking her up. Allie doesn't even know why she did it because she was doing so good with pretending that her mother was coming to kill her, but she opened only her left eye and saw her mother's smiling face, how can you be so awake? then closed it back up tight.

       With her eyes still closed, feeling the tiredness still behind them, Allie began to try and pull her bedding covers over her head so she could pretend that this was all a dream. Lori was quick to what her daughter was doing and pulled the covers back down. A little too far down because Allie could feel the morning breeze on the exposition of her neck.

Lori: It's time for chocolate chip pancakes.

       Allie heard her mother say a little more sternly this time, almost like she was saying: Allie Jenner you get out of this bed right this instant. That's how her mother always got her out of bed for school in the morning when she was just a wee little girl.

       Allie knew what or who these chocolate chip pancakes were made for because he loved eating them every Saturday morning --Pancake Mornings is what he used to call it-- but Allie knew her father would also want her to be well rested. Especially so she wouldn't let her mother get on her last nerve because of how tired and crabby she is.

Allie: Mom, can we start Dad's breakfast tradition a little later this year?

        Allie could tell that her mother wasn't going to let her have her way like always, because her mother seemed to be getting more agitated. This is always what happens around this time of year, Allie thought to herself of her mother.

Lori: It's not my fault that you are tired because you were up in the studio until four in the morning.

        How did you know about that? Allie guessed that last night she wasn't as stealth as she thought, but what her mother didn't realize was that her brilliant plan was inspired by her wonderful boyfriend –sigh-- and that's why she was up there that long. Note to self: put a clock up in the studio, Allie reminded herself for next time she decides to have a late night jam session.

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