Act 7 - Your Love Is Where I'm Falling, But Please Don't Catch Me

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      On Saturday morning, Allie waited patiently inside of her house with her packed black duffle bag in the entry way, until a blue Chevy Cobalt pulled up into her driveway. Allie always felt as if that blue car suited Lola just right, it was small and pretty just like her. Sure enough, when Allie got into the passenger seat of Lola's car she could smell the sweet aroma of coffee. Lola had the large sized coffee that looked as if she bought it from a gas station, placed securely in her front cup holder.

      Pulling up to the house that she has come to know so well, Allie felt excitement build up inside of her and she didn't know exactly what the reason was, it could be many things. Allie saw a black truck with a camper attached to the back of it parked on the street in front of Nicole's house, she remembered seeing that car parked inside of the garage almost every time she had come over to the house. When Allie and Lola had walked up the driveway to see Dustin's Jeep Wrangler parked in front of them they both set their duffle bags on the ground, then Kathleen came out of the front door of the house with a smile shown on her face.

Kathleen: Hey girls, I'm glad you could make it.

      Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, Allie saw Dustin walk out of the opened door garage with a slightly smaller duffle bag then hers in his hands. Before walking over to the back of his car, Dustin gave Allie a knowing glance. They both quickly looked away before anyone could realize what was done.
      Lola had caught a glance of a smile on Allie's face, so she furrowed her eyebrows at her in wonder. To play it off as if she was just making weird faces, she started making different faces at Lola to make her laugh. Lola wasn't in the mood to laugh, she just let out a groan at Allie as if she was a dog who was ready to attack.

Allie: *as if talking to a baby* Are you miss grumpy pants this morning? You won't even laugh at Allie's funny faces.

Lola: *sarcastically* You're special.

Allie: That's what my mom tells me.

      Lola had to admit what Allie said was funny, so she let out a laugh. Allie was happy that she finally got her friend to laugh, she was mostly happy that she made it seem like that she was trying to do that the whole time, instead of making googly eyes at Dustin.

Kathleen: Girls, you can put your stuff in the back of Dustin's car.

      Dustin turned around sternly from where he was placing his duffle bag in the trunk of his car, and gave his mom a look as if he was disgusted. When he started to speak, Allie could hear the same tone of manner in his voice. Allie secretly hoped that it was just a part of their I-Hate-You act, and he wasn't actually mad.

Dustin: What?

: Dustin, Nicole and her friends are going with you.

      Allie didn't knew whether to be excited or disappointed by this conversation, because for one she was riding in the same car as Dustin, and two Dustin seemed to be starting a fight with his mom about this. Kathleen spoke back to Dustin in an almost annoyed authoritative voice, Allie didn't think Kathleen had it in her to raise her voice at anyone.

      Before Dustin could give any answer to his mom, he saw Nicole walk out of the garage with a duffle bag in her hand, out of the corner of his own eye. From a distance, Allie could see the sneering glare form in Dustin's eyes.

Dustin: You probably put her up to this.

      As she walked passed her brother, Nicole gave Dustin an annoyed type of smirk while sticking her tongue half way out of her own mouth at him. Dustin just rolled his eyes and looked away from Nicole, obviously not amused.

Nicole: I didn't do anything, so stop complaining.

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