Act 13 - I'm Used to Being the Loser, But You, I Think You're Super

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       When the next school day had finally come around, the day seemed to drag on and on for Nicole as she just wanted it to be lunch time. Not for the food because she hated the school food, but because that was the time that she actually got to talk to her friends, and then after that it would be one more class until that final bell rang. As Nicole sat on the stool in her science class, she had her pervious classes homework out in front of her, she hated the class before this even more because history was the most boring subject to her ever, at least this class she got to do more than just sit on her ass the whole time. Nicole had her white paper worksheet that had her name neatly written on it, and her history book opened to the assigned page in front of her.

       Why were the men so ugly back then? Nicole thought to herself. Then, figured they were probably smelly too because they didn't understand the word hygiene just like some boys in this school, especially one in particular in this very class. 

       Before Junior walked himself inside the class room of his science class, he had to stop and tell himself to breathe because he saw Nicole sitting at their black top lab table doing her homework. Just like he had last night at Allie's, Junior began to walk over to the lab table with a new confidence inside of him. When Junior approached the lab table, he set the books that were in his hands on top of the table and looked down to Nicole from where he stood.

Junior: Hey Nicole.

       Junior said with a new confidence inside his voice, but Nicole didn't even notice because she didn't even bother to lift her head up as she spoke back to him.

Nicole: *sneering* Junior.

       Nicole felt the room becoming awkward as Junior didn't even bother to start babbling about some stupid talk like he always did in this class, he just stood there silent. Nicole rolled her eyes towards Junior just to give him a glance, but that glanced turned into a full lift of the head. Once Nicole saw Junior's appearance, her jaw instantly began to drop and she didn't have the strength to lift it back to a close. She began to think in her head of the Jim Carrey movie where his jaw dropped and he said "Hum-a-nah" that's what she was saying to herself in her head.

       The only thing that was functioning on Nicole were her eyes, she began to check Junior's new appearance out. Junior was dressed in fitted blue jeans that Nicole so desperately wanted to ask if he could turn around and she could examine his butt, he was also wearing a colored V-neck t-shirt that really seemed to bring out his eyes that had no dorky glasses covering them anymore. Nicole could now see that Junior had beautiful brown eyes, she could just get lost in those eyes and his hair, it was amazingly orgasmic to her, it was almost like she was looking at a clone of Jared Padalecki.
       Nicole was surprised by Junior's new appearance, it was more than a step up from his old appearance, ugly long light brown hair, glasses, pimples that desperately needed to be popped, baggy jeans that were always slightly dis-colored and t-shirts that had clowns on them -- Junior had once said they were a band but all it did for Nicole, is freak the hell out of her -- that didn't do anything to help him. Were you put into a machine that made you come out looking like a Greek God? Nicole nervously asked herself.

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