Chapter 1

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A/N: I have gone mad with all the fan-fics. Hope you'll enjoy reading this mad story!!! Thanks for your support till now for my previous stories and hope to continue with this one as well.

I am actually planning for a small and sweet story. Let's see how it goes on!!!

In the land of Venus, everyone are celebrating their only festival, 'Festival of love'. All angels, cupids are gathered to the lake where they'll be celebrating the existence of the most beautiful creation of god, Love. 

God decides people's present life based on their previous life deeds whereas angels of Venus are assigned to help the people who are suffering with the lack of love. That's why they are referred to as 'Angels of love'.

They don't fulfil the wishes of money, fame and destruction of others. They just make people fall in love with other. For 'Angels of love', love is not limited to only between couples. Love is the foundation of every relationship, between parents-children, friends, relatives.. in every where a living human being is present. 

Even if a person is orphan, there's still love present inside his heart with which he saves a kitten from getting in to an accident. Its love when a pet loves, cares and protects its owner. Its love when a stranger smiles at a kid adorably. Its love when a girl gets rescued by eve-teasers. Every small help we get from strangers without expecting anything in return will have love and affection.

Kongpob is sitting at the edge of the lake holding a lotus flower in his hand thinking about his life. Every King for the Land of Venus will be a god-gifted, destined even before their birth. It will never be the legacy of Father-son. Like wise, Kongpob will also be the King of this land and is born to human couple. Goddess of Moon prepared Mr. & Mrs. Suthiluck even before they were expecting and they were happy to sacrifice their first born to the world which spreads love. 

Goddess of Moon impressed by their values asks them to ask for a boon. But they declined politely saying if they accept anything in return, it will be like doing a business with their own son. Goddess permits them to visit their son anytime they want in their land. 

On the day Kongpob was born, Goddess of Moon visited them but stayed with them for three days so that mother-son won't be separated the moment of their birth and gave time for both the parents to love their son as much as they want. Once ready, they both gave their son to goddess without any bitterness as they know even if they won't be able to see their son grow they can still visit him. Just a glimpse of their son is enough for them. 

She also tells that Kongpob will visit Earth at the age of 20, a year before he becomes King. 

Tew, Kongpob's friend came to him and informs that King is looking for him. They both reached inside the palace and greeted present King 'Singto' by bowing in front of him. Kongpob also observed there're only King present inside the room.

"You got orders from Goddess of Moon to fulfil so that I can get retirement from this position Kongpob" Singto informed the reason behind his visit. The moment Goddess of Moon gave a new born Kongpob in his arms, he felt like a father and disciplined, taught him not only the education required for the Throne but also few customs of Earth as he wanted Kongpob to know from where he came from.

A/N: Anyone excited to know what are the orders he need to fulfil

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