Welcome to the Charlotte Family

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Welcome to the Charlotte Family

Chapter 1: No Consequences

Being robbed, stabbed, then left to die in my own home is not how I expected how my life would turn out. In truth, I never did. At least they didn't rape me or anything as I died; thank god necrophilia is rare. I already cursed them to hell, I don't know how I could've made it worse. Oh yeah...I killed three of them first before I died. Huh, I guess I did okay

25 years old, Michelin Star Chef at one of those fancy restaurants in Las Vegas blah blah blah, yes that's me. I had my life perfectly planned out ahead of me, until those bastards broke in and took away my life...goddammit I barely graduated college and got my license! It's only been a single year since I actually got a job too! Just before I was promoted as well. Well, at least I don't have to worry about that Master's degree now.

As I lost myself to the darkness, expecting nothing more, I woke up to...well, it was still nothing but I knew something was there. Something I can't explain.

Me: Could you tell me my situation now please? Am I going to be judged, or is that already done? Reincarnation, or perhaps a drink at the Lethe to wipe away my memories?

??: Sarcasm even in death?

Me: This isn't sarcasm. It's being real and I know I'm dead. If I know that even Houdini failed to return back, then what chance do I have? I'm just accepting whatever awaits me.

??: Good answer. Well the truth is, you can say you are one of the lucky bunch.

Me: No thanks. I'd rather pass. Normally reincarnation brings around their own rounds of suffering and trouble. Not a Buddhist but citing their words, I'd rather be free of suffering by exiting the reincarnation cycle as a whole you see?

??: Call it whatever you want, but I like to call it Netflix Premium, Your Life Edition.

Me: Should be called Stalker's Edition. You know...this sounds a lot like the hunger games? Maybe you should just send me on the normal way and get someone else.

??: Look, it's no use lying to me. Inside, you were bored with your normal life. No excitement in it at all. All you did was cook the same dishes everyday when you are a Star Chef at heart. Your talent with the knife and sword. That's not something to call 'Talent'. It's called a fucking miracle. Heck, you could've set up those Guiness World Records should you have tried.

Me: I fail to see how that makes a point. I'd rather just rest and enjoy the oblivion or something. I don't like being hurt physically or emotionally. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone that I don't care about. Also, I won't lie that my talent with the knife is pretty good...but why would I take that as an 'ok' card to receive another painful life? I was literally just murdered.

??: Let's see... From what I know, there's not much holding you back in this world though. Well, from your memories you hated your parents...my my... My condolences for your shitty luck for an abusive and alcoholic parents.

Whatever this guy was, he was starting to get on my nerves. Why couldn't he just wipe me from existence and be done with it? Obliteration sounded pretty good right now. I wouldn't exist but that also meant no more suffering, ever.

??: Obliteration isn't as good as you think it is. You might think that now but that soul of yours has gone through thousands of lives, you simply can't recall it. Erasing it from existence is a punishment only for the worst of the worst...of course there's also eternal torture but going there...that takes some serious talent in a bad way.

Me: Okay, whatever; let's get on with what you want to talk about now. It's about...hmm, entertainment. I'm guessing I'm the toy?

??: Yes

Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now