Chapter 1: Rough Day

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Angel's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up quickly and got lightheaded. "Uh ugh. Oh God." I muttered. I threw the covers off of me and stood up. That only made it worse. I crouched down and out my head between my legs.

After about ten seconds, I recovered and stood up. I walked out my room and to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Another day huh? I walked over to the shower and got in.

I turned it on and washed myself. I let the water wash over my body. After I was done, I got out and dried off. I threw on some clothes and grabbed my phone. I looked at it. 100%? Good.

I hate when I wake up and my phone's not charged, when I thought I put it on the charger. I walked out the door and downstairs in the apartment complex. I walked to my car and got in.

I turned it on and drove off. I was heading into town for my Evaluation. I looked at my wings in the rear view mirror. I blew a breath. I liked my wings but I did wanted very much to upgrade them so badly.

Humans have evolved to the point where we got wings. It was crazy. One day, your back is there, everything's normal. The next, boom, you got wings. This happened over fifty years ago.

My parents gave to me with all my wings and glory. But having wings meant we had to come with a price. We had to get Evaluations.

That means in order to keep our wings, we had to go to a special place to see what kind of wings to upgrade them with. The machine would scan you and tell you what kind of person you are, as if you already didn't know.

Based on your personality, the machine will tell you if your an Angel or a demon. But it doesn't mean whether or not you'll go to Hell if you're a demon or you'll go to Heaven if you're an angel. Like I said, it's based off your personality.

Where you go to in your next life is your business, whether you believe in the afterlife or not. I pulled up to the special place and parked. The Evaluation place is honestly like a DMV.

You go in the room, do what you gotta do, the machine will upgrade your wings and tell what kind of person you are, and that's it. I looked up at the building. I took a deep breath and got out the car.

Even though we can fly, some people still chose to drive cars. I mean we are still human beings. We had to do things before wings. I do fly. But the government cracked down on people flying for too long.

Apparently a little boy fly up too high and flown for too long that he fell asleep midair and ended up getting caught in an airplane engine fan. He got grinded up badly. It was so sad.

So as a result, if you've been drinking in the last twenty four hours or flying too long, you weren't allowed to fly. Some people still do it but it's not my business. Anyways, everyone had to get an Evaluation.

If you didn't, your wings will wilt and fall off and you will get a severe back infection that you'll die from. And plus the government can see who had Evaluations or not. I walked inside and saw the waiting room.

A lot of people were in here. There were barely any seats available. Luckily, there was one open seat beside two red heads. I sat down beside them. I looked at both of them. Both of them are freaking gorgeous.

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