Chapter 7: Kidnapped

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Angel's POV:

After Caleb slipped out on me, I drunkenly wobbled back downstairs. I looked around and saw Skylar and Riley sitting on the staircase. I walked down and sat behind them.

"Hey guys," I say, slurring my words. Whoa. Am I drunk?

"Hey Angel. Where you've been?" Riley asks.

"Upstairs. Oh my God you guys will not believe what Caleb and I just did," I say.

"Oh same here!! Same here!! You won't believe what Kyle just did to me!" Skylar exclaims, excitedly.

"Oh tell me," I say, happily.

"Okay so we were also upstairs in a room and he fingered me and ate me out!!" Skylar exclaims.

Then she squealed. "Yo!! The same thing happened to me. Ramón got tricks!!" Riley notes.

"So does Caleb. Oh my God. He was so dominant. I loved it!!" I note. We all squealed.

"But then they suddenly left," Skylar adds.

"Yeah. Caleb took off without telling me why," I say.

"Ramón too. He just said he'll be right back," Riley says.

I shrugged. "Maybe its a guy thing," I say.

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat," Skylar says.

"Oooh I'm in the mood for ice cream," I say.

"Totally!! Let's go to Dairy Queen!" Riley cheers. The three of us made our way through the sea of people. We managed to make it out the front door.

We stumbled around in our drunken state towards town. We saw a McDonald's and walked towards it instead. "Hi. Can we have some ice cream please?" Skylar asks.

"Sorry. The ice cream machine is broke right now," The cashier says.

"Oh so the memes were true," Riley jokes.

We all laughed and walked out. We walked down the street and saw Dairy Queen. We walked over to it. We stumbled inside and fell down. We all laughed.

"Are you girls all right?" A lady asked. I nodded.

"Oh yes we're fine. Just hungry," I reply. The lady sniffed us and grimaced.

"You girls smell like alcohol," She notes.

We giggled. "We may have been drinking a bit." Skyler said. We walked over to the counter.

"So let's see....I want that third one. The peanut butter parfait." I say.

"Ooooh I want one too!!" Skylar squeals.

"Me too!! It looks so good!!" Riley says. We sat down and waited for our parfaits. After we got them, we walked out. The lady offered to take us home but we refused.

We walked around while eating our parfaits. "Oh my God I'm so glad Dairy Queen added this to their menu," Skylar says.

"Me too. It's a life saver." I said, giggling. We walked around til we came back to the party. We went upstairs and went into a room. We laid down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

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