Chapter 5: Halloween Party

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Angel's POV:

I looked at my costume in the mirror. "Bad Bitch Alert mode." I said to myself. Then I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Who am I kidding? Bad bitch mode is always on." I said, as I twirled. I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin.

There was an old lady staring at me with her husband by her side. "You certainly are a bad bitch." The old man said. The old woman hit him and glared at me. They walked away.

I looked at my costume one last time before leaving. I was dressed up as Torodoki from My Hero Academia. I already paid for the costume but I just wanted to look at myself in it.

I walked out the store and to the food court. I came to a Dairy Queen and sat down. I waited for Skylar and Riley. They both were coming to meet me here at the mall.

Skylar invites us to a Halloween party and I was super excited. "Angel?" Someone called. I looked up to see Riley. She made her way over to me.

"Oh my gosh. I love your costume. You got curves mama." I said. Riley blushed.

"Oh my God stop. Look at you in that amazing costume. Your curves stick out more than mine." She said. She looked at me. "What exactly are you though?" She asked, curiously.

"I'm Torodoki from My Hero Academia. I'm the female version of him." I said.

"Oh wow. I've heard of that show but I never got into it like that." She said.

"Angel!! Riley!!" Someone called. We turned our heads to see Skylar running towards us. We hugged her and squealed.

"Wow Skylar. Your costume is amazing." I said, looking at it.

"Yep. I'm Harley freakin Quinn bitches." She said.

"All three of us are bad bitches. Oh I'm so excited for this party." Riley said.

"Well that's the thing. My friend hasn't exactly set up everything yet and I was wondering if you guys come help us?" Skylar asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Why not? We can kill a few minutes." Riley said. We walked out the mall with people staring at us. "I mean dang. Haven't people heard of costumes?" Riley mutters.

We laughed at her. "Okay Skylar. You lead the way." I said, as I got in my car. We drove off downtown and to a house. We got out and walked up to the door.

"Wait. I wanna get an Instagram selfie." Skylar said.

"Oh me too!" I said.

"Let me get one." Riley said. We all took our phones and took pictures. Afterwards, we posted them. We walked inside the house and I gasped. I looked around and saw decorations on the ground. "Wow. You weren't kidding Sky. The party is not set up." Riley said.

"Skylar! There you are. You disappeared on me." A girl said, as she came from behind a door.

"I told you I went to go get some friends to help you fix the place up and get this party set up." Skylar said.

The girl glared at her. "And I said I can handle it." She said, angrily.

"Obviously you do." Skylar said, motioning towards the decorations on the floor.

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