Chapter 20: Love

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Caleb's POV:

I watched as Kyle and Ramón both paced back and forth. All three of us were livid that the girls just left. They left a note but it didn't explain why they were leaving or where they were going.

My Mom and Dad said that Angel brought her brother and sister here to help her pack up. It was so annoying that she would do some shit like this.

Kyle growled and punched the wall again. "This is so frustrating!!" He yelled.

"Man I can't believe Riley would leave." Ramón said. He shook his head. "Nah. She ain't finna leave just like that." He said.

"Boys relax. We got every available guard out searching for the girls." Dad said. I didn't say anything. I just shook my knee.

"Caleb how can you be so calm about this?!" Kyle cried.

"I'm not. Once I see Angel, it's over for her. She's gonna see the real demon in me." I growl, icily. He cackled.

"Yes. So will Skylar. She already knows what's up." He said. A guard entered the room.

"Don? Loren was snooping around once again." He said. I picked up a lamp and threw it against the wall. Guards walked in with Loren.

She smirked at me. "Loren what the hell do you want now?" Dad asked.

"Relax Calvin baby." She said. Mom pulled out a knife and threw it at her. It cut her arm. Loren gasped.

"Bitch I warned you," Mom says, lowly. Loren pulled the knife out of her arm, making guards aim their guns at her. She looked at me.

"Caleb we just had sex a few days ago. You really gon act like I'm the bad guy?" She asked.

"Loren it was moment of weakness. I was in a fragile state. I was just looking for something to ease my mind." I said.

She stared at me. "Fine. Be that way. I should've shot Angel in her head instead of her heart." She mutters.

She shook free of the guards and walked away. I looked at her. "You shot Angel?" I ask. She nodded.

"Yep." She said. I ran after her. I grabbed her arm harshly and pulled her back into the house. "Loren, if you really shot my Angel—" Dad cut me off.

"Son Angel is immune. Bullets cannot penetrate her shield. The bullets can however bounce off of her shield and hit whoever is next to her." He notes.

Loren cackled. "What?" I asked.

"You are right Calvin. I shot at Angel but it bounced off of her and hit Riley in her stomach. I know about all three of those bitches being pregnant." She said.

"You shot Riley?" Ramón asked.

"It was meant to hit Angel but I guess Riley deserves it for being such a bitch." Loren said, smirking.

He lunged for her but Mom held him back. "Not now Ramón. Loren where are the girls?" She asked.

"They are at a hospital but it's not one in town. Good luck finding it." Loren said. She suddenly took off flying out of the house.

"Caleb let her go." Kyle said.

"What? Heck no. I'm not about to let her go when she—" Dad cut me off.

"Son let her go," He says.

"Yeah Caleb we have too much to worry about than Loren." Kyle said.

"We don't know where the girls are and Riley has been shot." Ramón said.

"Plus, Angel brought two complete strangers into the house and Gustavo & his militia have been MO for days." Mom said.

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