Chapter 9: New Life

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Angel's POV:
⚠️ 18+ In This Chapter ⚠️

I opened my eyes to see the sun beaming in my face. I sat up and looked around. I sighed and remembered that me and the girls decided to stay here and live a new life.

Caleb was right. He said that the Russian Mafia saw our faces and that it wasn't safe for us to be at home by ourselves or be anywhere by ourselves. I woke up early in the morning and went with some guards to get my stuff from my apartment.

We were shot at by someone. We came back safe and sound though. I looked at the guards as the brought me and the girls back. They didn't seem phased, as if they've been shot at plenty of time before.

We left around two in the morning. Caleb thought the Russian Mafia would probably be sleep but we were wrong. I rolled over and looked at my phone. It was ten in the morning.

I got up and stretched. The door suddenly opened and a guard appeared. He looked at me. "Oh you're awake. Good. The Don wants to see you." He said.

"Can I get ready first?" I asked, curiously. He stared at me.

"It's best if you come see him now." He said. I followed him out the door and downstairs to the living room. There, I saw Skylar and Riley sitting on the couch. I sat down beside them.

Calvin and Hailey came into view. "Good morning ladies. I hope you all slept well." Calvin said.

"Good." I said.

"It was wonderful." Skylar said.

"I had the best sleep I've ever had in my life." Riley said.

"Good. Now we have a big day today." Calvin said.

"Like what?" Skylar asked, curiously.

"You will need to be initiated." Caleb said, as he appeared through a door. Kyle and Ramón followed behind him.

"Son, I'd like to do the talking." Calvin said.

"Well I like talking too so..." Caleb said. Calvin bursted out laughing.

"Anyways ladies last night, we put your survival skills to the test and you made it. But that's not all. In order to become part of this Mafia we have to test your loyalty." He said.

Skylar cleared her throat. "No offense Calvin, but we just met you guys last night." She said.

"Yeah what loyalty is there to build?" Riley asked. I heard guns cocking behind our heads.

"No no. It's all right. You're right. But trust me Skylar. It's best if you do the initiation." Kyle said.

"What kind of initiation is it?" I asked, curiously. Everyone looked at me. "Look Calvin while I was working for Wanda, which I know I'm fired by now, she made all her employees do an initiation." I said.

"Like what?" Riley asked.

"We had to give blood, almost all our information about ourselves, our addresses, and if were to leave for a vacation, we had to let her know where we were going and someone from the company had to go with us." I said.

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