Chapter 22: Home

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Caleb's POV:
Two Weeks Later*

It's been a two weeks since I last saw Angel. She said she wanted to go away with Nya. She said she didn't trust me anymore and that we needed space.

So I gave it to her. I let her go but I secretly had guards keep watch on her. I wasn't gonna let her out of my sight. A guard told me she was flirting some dude.

He sent me live video footage of it happening. I told them to take him out. I watched as he got shot in the head. I saw people scrambling to run away.

Angel was more freaked out but it didn't take long for her to realize it was me. She didn't seem that mad but I knew she was somewhat mad. Nya was very unsettled.

Angel tried explain to her that it was me. I don't think she told Nya much because when I went to pick them up from the airport, Nya didn't look at me funny. She glanced at me but that's about it.

I looked over at Angel. She stared out the window listening to music. We pulled up to the house and got out. We walked inside and headed upstairs. The guards quickly unpacked Angel's stuff.

I sat down on the bed while Angel used the bathroom. When everything was put away and all done, Angel came out. She held her stomach. "You okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I hate morning sickness." She said. She laid down on the bed. "Caleb you okay?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No. Not really." I said.

"What's up?" She asks, curiously. I blew a breath.

"Where do I even start? Angel your words stuck with me. How I'm a sociopath. How I am the cause of your problems. And I know you said me being a demon should be no excuse but it is. I am a demon. I shouldn't have to be nice to make you feel good." I said.

I turned around and looked at her. "Go ahead," She says.

"You are an Angel. I am a demon. It's my personality. Its who I am. And you know what? You're right. You don't need me. I'm not changing myself to please you. I actually don't know why I got down on my knees and begged you to stay with me," I began.

"Ouch," She says.

"I haven't even started. I don't know why I tracked you down. I don't know why I got so upset about you. I should've just let you go with Nya and Andre and be done with you," I rant.

"Wow Caleb," She says.

"You don't have to do anything Angel. You don't have to get an abortion. You don't have to stay with me. You don't have to do shit anymore. You wanna leave so badly, go right ahead. There's the door. No one's stopping you," I continue.

She looked at the door. "Really?" She asks. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm serious. I'm not changing my behavior or who I am for one girl. If you leave, I will just go right back to Loren. Or whoever the next bitch I feel like fucking. I did fall in love with you Angel, but after what you said to me, fuck you." I finish, harshly.

She stared at me. I walked out the door and down the hall to my room. I picked up some condoms and put them in my pocket. I walked downstairs and out the door.

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