Chapter 23: Revenge

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Angel's POV:

I continued to play Phase 10 on my phone while Calvin and his men shot at me. They fired all kinds of stuff at me: explosives, RPGs, ak47s, shotguns, grenades, arrows, spikes, everything.

Didn't none of the weapons managed to hit me but it did damage the building we were in. Calvin wanted to test my immunity someplace safe. So we found and abandoned factory and went inside.

We've been out here for hours. I looked up at Caleb. He was more afraid for my safety, as he thought I wasn't fully immune.

I wanted him to see for himself that I am immune to bullets and everything but he was hesitant. I didn't want him to see a whole bunch of stuff being shot at me but I guess this was only way to get him to see.

"Amazing. Angel you can survive just about anything." Hailey said.

I shook my head. "I don't know about that." I said, as I stood up and stretched. "Are we done?" I asked.

"I guess." Calvin said. I walked out the door and out into the woods. Everyone soon followed. We walked back to that car that were parked in the parking lot. Along the way, we heard murmuring.

"I'm just saying Calvin. It'd all be a good idea." Peter said.

"What?" I asked. Everyone grew silent.

"Peter tell us." Kyle asked.

"It's just a thought but..." Peter trailed off. He looked at Caleb.

"What?" Caleb asked.

"He wants to use Angel as a way to draw Gustavo out of hiding." Calvin said.

"Absolutely not." Caleb said.

"Why not? She's completely immune." Peter said.

"Wow. My own friend wants to put me at risk of being killed." I said.

"No Angel. You are immune." He said.

"To bullets and powers. I don't know about anything else though." I said.

"Well let's find out." He said.

"No." Caleb said.

"What'd you have in mind Peter?" Calvin asked.

"I said no." Caleb said.

"We set Angel up in the open for them to come out. We use her as bait to lure them out. Gustavo comes out of hiding then we attack." Peter said.

"That doesn't exactly sound like a very good plan." Calvin said.

"Didn't y'all just hear me say no?" Caleb asked.

"Don't worry Calvin." Peter said. He walked to me. "We'll come up with a better plan when we get the parts for this plan. We're gonna put Angel out in the open waters," Peter adds.

"I said no!!" Caleb says.

"Gustavo won't be able to resist taking her. He comes out but we know he won't be alone. We corner his troops and capture them. Then you can torture Gustavo all you want." Peter continues.

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