Chapter 28: Under Attack

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Caleb's POV:
Three Months Later*

I looked at Angel as she laid up on the table. Now that Angel was close to giving birth, I wanted her in my sight at all times. She was to have four guards surrounding her day and night.

The same went for Skylar and Riley. They were also ready to pop any day. The nurses and doctors checked them for their vitals and everything. "Alright. Everything's all good so far." The doctor said.

I looked at Angel. She stared up at the ceiling.

"Angel you okay?" I asked, worriedly. She nodded.

"I'm thinking about that commercial I saw on TV. The Red Lobster one. It had something called Lobsterfest and I think I wanna try that. It looks really good." She said.

"Don't believe everything you see on TV Angel. I once saw a commercial for a Wendy's burger and I thought I was getting a fucking Big Mac. I got a damn slider." Riley said. We laughed. "I'm serious. It was so small, I wanted a refund." She said.

"Once, saw a woman ordered a soufflé and a beautiful cake. She didn't eat it. She just took pictures of it. Then she complained about when they told her she still had to pay for it. She said that she didn't eat any of it." Skylar said.

"She can't do that. They spent time making it. So of course she had to pay for it." Angel said. They spent more time talking about that issue. I looked at Kyle.

He was on the couch upside down looking at his phone. I looked at Ramón. He was watching something on TV. Why do I feel uneasy? I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I look pale. "Caleb?" Mom called. I looked at her. She stared at me. "Are you feeling okay? You look incredibly pale." She said, as she felt my forehead.

Everyone looked at me. "I do feel a little bit sick." I said. She took me upstairs and to the kitchen. She fixed me chicken noodle soup. Dad also made me some grilled cheese.

"What did you eat today?" He asked.

"I didn't eat anything. I was so focused on Angel." I said.

"We'll get your strength up. We're leaving today." He said.

"You found us a place?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah. After all these months of hiding, I finally found a new home for us. It's in Norway. Angel showed me your honeymoon trip and it looked amazing." He said.

"But why now are we moving?" I asked.

"Because I've been searching up big mansions to house all of us. But Norway has a lot of mansions holed up already so finding one that wasn't bought was hard. I was actually considering looking to move to somewhere else like Italy ." He said.

"Why not Ireland?" I asked.

"Because. I received intel that some of Gustavo's men was there last month. Someone told him that you and Angel were spotted there so he decided to go check it out." He said.

"Oh." I said. Suddenly, we heard thunder.

"Ah shit. Hurry up. Go tell everyone to go pack. We need to leave before the rain comes." He said.

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